Documentary: "Geheimnisvolle Moorlandschaften" (in German)

The documentary "Geheimnisvolle Moorlandschaften", which was filmed with the participation of the Geoecology working group, will be broadcast on 5 February 2024 at 8:15 p.m. on 3sat.

In the summer of 2023, we finally managed to finalise our contributions to the film project "Geheimnisvolle Moorlandschaften". It took three attempts, as the weather proved to be unusually unstable this spring/summer in the Enns Valley, where our two peatlands research sites, the Pürgschachen bog and the Pichlmaier bog, are located. Although peatlands love damp, cloudy weather, bright sunshine is preferred for filming. We gave the film team from Posch TV an insight into our research activities and allowed them to accompany us at work. The result is a beautiful nature film that captures the diverse aspects of peatlands, evokes them as mystical primeval landscapes, shows them as wetlands and thus as important bird habitats, emphasises them as retreats for specialists in the animal and plant kingdoms, focuses on their scientific investigation, but also portrays them as ecosystems threatened by humans.

A successful and worthwhile production by Posch TV, in co-production with ORF Styria and 3sat, which will be broadcast in its long version (in German) on 3sat on 5 February 2024 at 8.15 pm.

The short version was broadcast on ORF on 19 November under the title "Steirische Moore - Zeugen der Eiszeit" and is still available in the media library until 26 November (in German).

Pichlmaier Moor (c) Andreas Maier