Textile factory in Hirschbach: Industrial transformation in the Waldviertel?

The former textile factory in Hirschbach/Waldviertel serves as a learning case for industrial transformation in Austria for 15 master's students from the Department of Geography and Regional Research as part of their project seminar.

Vacant former factories with a simultaneous need for housing for young and old people - how can this be reconciled? The students, led by Yvonne Franz and Martin Heintel, will be addressing this and other questions in the winter semester of 2024. In October, the students will present their topics during the brownfield dialogue in Salzburg. By January 2025, results will be developed together with the cooperation partners Brachflächen-Dialog, the municipality of Hirschbach and the Hirschbach textile factory and presented to an interested public in a webinar.

Gruppenbild vor der Textilfabrik

© Yvonne Franz

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