The working groups of Physical Geography
The following two working groups of Physical Geography are located in two different university buildings.
The working group Geomorphology is located on the 5th floor of the "New Institute Building" (NIG) at Universitätsstraße 7 in the 1st district of Vienna.
The working group Geoecology is located in the Geozentrum UZA II, Althanstrasse 14 in the 9th district.
The Physiogeographical Laboratory and field equipment of Physical Geography are also located at the Geozentrum.
If you would like to borrow equipment or materials from Physical Geography, please follow the links to the right to access the required equipment reservation forms.
DoGRR, Field DevicesJosef-Holaubekplatz 2 UZA II
1090 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-48677