Conferences and workshops
Showing entries 2141 - 2160 out of 2693
Einführung in die Migrations- und Integrationsforschung
Heinz Faßmann
Talk or oral contribution
16.4.2010 - 16.4.2010
Expertenstatement im Rahmen der STRAT.ATplus-Veranstaltung der Österreichischen Raumordnungskonferenz (ÖROK) zum Thema "Regional Governance - Eine Reise durch die österreichischen Regionen"
Martin Heintel
Talk or oral contribution
15.4.2010 - 15.4.2010
Dwarf shrubs as energy supply and fodder. Competing ecosystem services in the Eastern Pamirs
Cyrus Samimi
Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), Washington DC 2010
Talk or oral contribution
14.4.2010 - 14.4.2010
Immigration in Austrian Textbooks and Migration Exhibitions – Representations and Memory (Re)Production
Christiane Hintermann
8th European Social Science History Conference 2010, Ghent
Talk or oral contribution
14.4.2010 - 14.4.2010
Multilocality - Research questions, theoretical approaches and project designs.
Peter Weichhart
Talk or oral contribution
14.4.2010 - 14.4.2010
The hegemony of cultural identity : Cultural performance as a means of power and control in the historic city center of Vienna
Gerhard Hatz
Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), Washington DC 2010
Talk or oral contribution
14.4.2010 - 14.4.2010
Ergebnisse geomorphologischer Untersuchungen in Südtirol, ILEWS-Project Meeting
Thomas Glade
ILEWS-Project Meeting
Talk or oral contribution
7.4.2010 - 7.4.2010
Narratives of (im)migration and representations of immigrants in school textbooks: selected findings from some case studies in Europe
Christiane Hintermann
Talk or oral contribution
17.3.2010 - 17.3.2010
Zu Fragen einer mehrperspektivischen Fachdidaktik GW
Christian Vielhaber
Talk or oral contribution
17.3.2010 - 17.3.2010
Mountain hazard and risk - a complex human-landscape interaction
Margreth Keiler
Talk or oral contribution
13.3.2010 - 13.3.2010
Supporting Diversity: Understanding the practice of teaching and learning in geography classes
Clemens Wieser
Talk or oral contribution
12.3.2010 - 12.3.2010
Geographische Migrations- und Integrationsforschung: Ansätze und Konzepte
Heinz Faßmann
Talk or oral contribution
8.3.2010 - 8.3.2010
Rethinking rural urban migration in Thailand
Karl Husa
Talk or oral contribution
8.3.2010 - 8.3.2010
Tourism and vulnerability. The present situation of Thailand´s coastal tourism.
Christian Vielhaber
Talk or oral contribution
8.3.2010 - 8.3.2010
The Department of Geography and Regional Research, University of Vienna, Austria History, Teaching and Research Profiles, Perspectives
Thomas Glade
Talk or oral contribution
7.3.2010 - 7.3.2010
Konzepte und ausgewählte Kapitel der Kompass-Lehrbücher
Heinz Faßmann
Talk or oral contribution
3.3.2010 - 3.3.2010
Pannonien: Zu Fragen von Entwicklung und räumlicher Identität
Christian Vielhaber
Talk or oral contribution
26.2.2010 - 26.2.2010
Schwarzmeerregion - Fachdidaktische Impulse zur Thematisierung einer Region
Herbert Pichler
Talk or oral contribution
17.2.2010 - 17.2.2010
Schwarzmeerregion - Fachdidaktische Impulse zur Thematisierung einer Region
Heidrun Edlinger
Herbert Pichler
Talk or oral contribution
17.2.2010 - 17.2.2010
Showing entries 2141 - 2160 out of 2693