Conferences and workshops
Showing entries 2161 - 2180 out of 2693
Das Österreichische Raumentwicklungskonzept
Heinz Faßmann
Talk or oral contribution
12.2.2010 - 12.2.2010
Die Hochgebirgsweiden im Ostpamir, Tadschikistan:Potentiale und Probleme
Cyrus Samimi
Talk or oral contribution
2.2.2010 - 2.2.2010
"Nützlich für die feministische Praxis bin ich vorrangig als Fachfrau." Reflexionen zur feministischen Geographie 20 Jahre nach Les Emibois
Elisabeth Aufhauser
Talk or oral contribution
15.1.2010 - 15.1.2010
Landslide hazard, risk and vulnerability - European studies on spatial assessments, monitoring and early warning.- Geological & Nuclear Sciences
Thomas Glade
European studies on spatial assessments, monitoring and early warning.- Geological & Nuclear Sciences
Talk or oral contribution
1.1.2010 - 1.1.2010
A comparison of susceptibility maps created with logistic regression and SINMAP for spatial planning in the Lanzhou City, China
Shi Biao Bail
Benjamin Thiebes
Rainer Bell
Thomas Glade
J. Wang
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2010
Poster presentation
..2010 - ..2010
A conceptual Model for coupled Human-Landscape Systems in Mountain Regions
Margreth Keiler
Ronald Pöppl
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2010
Poster presentation
..2010 - ..2010
A conceptual Model for coupled Human-Landscape Systems in Mountain Regions.
Margreth Keiler
Ronald Pöppl
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2010
Poster presentation
..2010 - ..2010
A WebGIS service for managing, sharing and communicating information on mountain risks: a pilot study at the Barcelonnette Basin (South French Alps)
Simone Frigerio
Grzegorz Skupinski
Melanie Kappes
Jean-Philippe Malet
Anne Puissant
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2010
Poster presentation
..2010 - ..2010
Analysis and mitigation of remote geohazards in high mountain areas of Tajikistan with special emphasis on glacial lake outburst floods
Martin Mergili
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2010
Talk or oral contribution
..2010 - ..2010
Analysis of displacement features for the rainfall-triggered Xieliupo landslide
Shi Biao Bail
Thomas Glade
Rainer Bell
S.P. Zhao
Mountain Risks : Bringing Science to Society
Poster presentation
..2010 - ..2010
Challenges in understanding, modelling, and mitigating Lake Outburst Flood Hazard: experiences from Central Asia
Martin Mergili
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2010
Talk or oral contribution
..2010 - ..2010
Comparison on landslide susceptibility assessments before and after 5.12 WenChuan Earthquake at Lognan in China
Shi Biao Bail
J. Wang
Thomas Glade
Rainer Bell
Mountain Risks : Bringing Science to Society
Poster presentation
..2010 - ..2010
Compiling a landslide inventory for state wide susceptibility modelling in Lower Austria
Helene Petschko
Rainer Bell
Thomas Glade
Philip Leopold
Joachim Schweigl
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2010
Poster presentation
..2010 - ..2010
Compiling a landslide inventory from different data sources for state wide susceptibility modelling in Lower Austria
Helene Petschko
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2010
Talk or oral contribution
..2010 - ..2010
Consideration of Hazard Interactions in Medium-Scale Multi-Hazard Risk Analyses
Melanie Kappes
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2010
Talk or oral contribution
..2010 - ..2010
Consideration of Hazard Interactions in Medium-Scale Multi-Hazard Risk Analyses
Melanie Kappes
Margreth Keiler
Thomas Glade
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2010
Poster presentation
..2010 - ..2010
Delineation of Flood Inundated Areas using Aerial photo Interpretation and GIS-based Hydrological Modeling - an application in Barcelonnette, France),
Azadeh Ramesh
Thomas Glade
Melanie Kappes
Jean-Philippe Malet
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2010
Poster presentation
..2010 - ..2010
Evaluation of climate change on flood event by using parametric T-Test and non parametric Mann-Kendall test in Barcelonnette Basin, France
Azadeh Ramesh
Thomas Glade
Jean-Philippe Malet
8th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC)
Poster presentation
..2010 - ..2010
Evaluation of Climate Change on Flood Event using Parametric T-Test and Non-Parametric Mann-Kendall Test in Barcelonnette Basin, France
Azadeh Ramesh
10th EMS Annual Meeting and 8th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC)
Talk or oral contribution
..2010 - ..2010
Showing entries 2161 - 2180 out of 2693