Conferences and workshops

Wohnen. Arbeit. Zuwanderung. Stand und Perspektiven der Segregationsforschung

Heinz Faßmann
Talk or oral contribution
20.1.2006 - 20.1.2006

The Status Quo of landslide hazard and risk assessments

Thomas Glade
Kolloquium der ETH Zürich, Schweiz
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
19.1.2006 - 19.1.2006

Extreme Räume in den Alpen? Der Umgang mit Naturgefahren im Hochgebirge

Margreth Keiler
Vortragsreihe der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft WS 2005/2006
Lecture series, colloquium, Talk or oral contribution
17.1.2006 - 17.1.2006

ÜberBevölkerung unter Entwicklung: Diskurse um Bevölkerungspolitik.

Elisabeth Aufhauser
Internationale Entwicklung
Lecture series, colloquium, Talk or oral contribution
17.1.2006 - 17.1.2006

Österreichische Geographische Gesellschaft (ÖGG) (External organisation)

Wolfgang Kainz
Civil society
1.1.2006 - ..

Österreichische Kartographische Kommission (External organisation)

Wolfgang Kainz
Civil society
1.1.2006 - ..

Communicating landslide hazards data via the Spatial Web - a case study from New Zealand

Sebastian Schmitz , Grant Dellow , Thomas Glade , Klaus Greve
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2006
Conference, Poster presentation
..2006 - ..2006

Concept for the use of multitemporal optical satellite data and digital elevation models for the mapping of landslides and regional landslide hazard zonation

Torsten Drey , Thomas Glade
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2006
Conference, Poster presentation
..2006 - ..2006

Estimating the landslide volume of past and future events using high resolution DEM and the Sloping Local Base Level (SLBL) approach

Rainer Bell , Michel Jaboyedoff , Thomas Glade
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2006
Conference, Poster presentation
..2006 - ..2006

Landslide mapping in the Swabian Alb using aerial photography and Digital Terrain Models

Maria Brennecke , Rainer Bell , Thomas Glade
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2006
Conference, Poster presentation
..2006 - ..2006

Landslide susceptibility analysis using remote sensing derived data and GIS techniques - Navua Catchment, South Viti Levu, Fiji Islands

Sandra Melzner , Thomas Glade , Michael Bonte-Grapentin
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2006
Conference, Poster presentation
..2006 - ..2006

Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der 2D-Geoelektrik zum Bodenfeuchtemonitoring in Hangrutschung

Rainer Bell , Jan-Erik Kruse , Thomas Glade
32. Jahrestagung Deutscher Arbeitskreis für Geomorphologie
Conference, Poster presentation
..2006 - ..2006

Nutzung von Laserscan-DGM und Luftbildern zur Erstellung eines Hangrutschungsinventars

Maria Brennecke , Rainer Bell , Thomas Glade
32. Jahrestagung Deutscher Arbeitskreis für Geomorphologie
Conference, Poster presentation
..2006 - ..2006

"Sloping Local Base Level (SLBL)" - Neue Methode zur Volumenbestimmung von Hangrutschungen und Sedimentspeichern

Rainer Bell , Jan-Christoph Otto , Michel Jaboyedoff , Thomas Glade
32. Jahrestagung Deutscher Arbeitskreis für Geomorphologie
Conference, Poster presentation
..2006 - ..2006

Soil moisture monitoring in landslide investigation using 2D-resistivity

Rainer Bell , Jan-Erik Kruse , Thomas Glade , Alejandro Garcia , Andreas Hördt
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2006
Conference, Poster presentation
..2006 - ..2006

Stability analysis of a human influenced landslide using physical and chemical approaches

Thomas Preuth , Thomas Glade
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2006
Conference, Poster presentation
..2006 - ..2006

The development of geology as a discipline of science in the German south-west as a mirror for a changing point of view on Landslides at the Swabian Alb within the 19th and beginning 20th century

Stephan Seeling , Manuel Seeger , Andreas Dix , Matthias Röhrs , Rainer Bell
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2006
Conference, Poster presentation
..2006 - ..2006

The use of special forest maps in landslide hazard assessments in the Swabian Alb (Germany)

Martin Wiebel , Thomas Glade , Eberhard Aldinger
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2006
Conference, Poster presentation
..2006 - ..2006

Transient perturbation of fluvial systems by landsliding: Examples from the Swabian Alb (SW-Germany)

Rainer Bell , Thomas Sören Hoffmann , Nele Meyer
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2007
Conference, Poster presentation
..2006 - ..2006

Wie ernährt sich Europa? Landwirtschaft zwischen Agrarindustrie und Biolandbau

Heidrun Edlinger , Karin Dobler
Aktionstage Politische Bildung
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
..2006 - ..