Conferences and workshops
Showing entries 301 - 320 out of 2693
River pattern planform dynamics as satellite-derived locational probabilities
Richard Boothroyd
John Edward Perez
Richard Williams
Trevor Hoey
Pamela Louise Tolentino
Esmael Guardian
Juan Reyes
Cathrine Sabillo
Laura Quick
Carlos Primo David
EGU, General Assembly 2023
Poster presentation
23.4.2023 - 23.4.2023
Vortrag im Rahmen des RIS4Danu-Workshops zur Ústí Region
Simon Baumgartinger-Seiringer
Talk or oral contribution
21.4.2023 - 21.4.2023
Vortrag im Rahmen des RIS4Danu-Workshops zur Ústí Region
Simon Baumgartinger-Seiringer
Talk or oral contribution
19.4.2023 - 19.4.2023
Lehrplan 2023 "Geographie und wirtschaftliche Bildung" für die Sekundarstufe I - Neue Orientierungen und Chancen für die Kooperation zwischen Fachdidaktik und Fachwissenschaft
Heidrun Edlinger
Herbert Pichler
Talk or oral contribution
17.4.2023 - 17.4.2023
Towards a challenge-oriented approach to regional innovation policies
Michaela Trippl
Talk or oral contribution
3.4.2023 - 3.4.2023
4CITIES Spring School on methods and transdisciplinary skills
Yvonne Franz
Kerstin Krellenberg
4CITIES Spring School on methods and transdisciplinary skills
Organisation of ...
31.3.2023 - 5.4.2023
4CITIES Spring School on methods and transdisciplinary skills
James Vandenberg
4CITIES Spring School on methods and transdisciplinary skills
Participation in ...
31.3.2023 - 4.5.2023
Vortrag im Rahmen des RIS4Danu-Workshops zur Hajdú-Bihar Region
Balazs Pager
Talk or oral contribution
30.3.2023 - 30.3.2023
Is this settlement intersected by a ditch? A comparison between magnetic prospection data, ALS data, and archaeological and geological excavation results from the Early Bronze Age fortified hilltop settlement of Ratzersdorf, Lower Austria
Doris Jetzinger
Alexandra Krenn-Leeb
Volker Lindinger
Ronny Weßling
Mandana Peresson
Robert Supper
Reinhard Rötzel
Robert Peticzka
15th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection ICAP 2023
Talk or oral contribution
28.3.2023 - 1.4.2023
Vortrag im Rahmen des RIS4Danu-Workshops zur Hajdú-Bihar Region
Balazs Pager
Talk or oral contribution
28.3.2023 - 28.3.2023
Tagung Zukunft Fachdidaktik GW -Zukunftsfähige plurale Finanzbildung
Herbert Pichler
Alfons Koller
Christian Fridrich
Heidrun Edlinger
Tilo Felgenhauer
Tagung Zukunft Fachdidaktik GW -Zukunftsfähige plurale Finanzbildung
Organisation of ...
27.3.2023 - 29.3.2023
Vortrag im Rahmen des Annual Meetings der AAG zum Thema "Green and inclusive path development: the twin challenge for disadvantaged regions"
Simon Baumgartinger-Seiringer
AAG Annual Meeting 2023
Talk or oral contribution
26.3.2023 - 26.3.2023
AAG Annual Meeting 2023
Tiago Teixeira
Erika Faigen
Roseline Wanjiru
AAG Annual Meeting 2023
Organisation of ...
23.3.2023 - 23.3.2023
Webinar - “Climate and Water across Generations to Accelerate Change”
Stephan Glatzel
“Climate and Water across Generations to Accelerate Change”
Talk or oral contribution
22.3.2023 - 22.3.2023
"Die smarte Region – Beispiele, Erfahrungen und Learnings aus den Ländern Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz"
Yvonne Franz
Martin Heintel
"Die smarte Region – Beispiele, Erfahrungen und Learnings aus den Ländern Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz"
Panel discussion, round table,
Organisation of ...
16.3.2023 - 16.3.2023
The Contributions of Migration for Climate Change Adaptation in Moldova
Harald Sterly
Steering Committee Meeting "Moldova: Integrating the Migration and Climate Change Perspective into the National Adaptation Plan-2 and Agriculture Sectoral Adaptation Plan on Climate Change"
Talk or oral contribution
16.3.2023 - 16.3.2023
Partnerships for Regional Innovation
Michaela Trippl
Talk or oral contribution
14.3.2023 - 14.3.2023
PERN Cyberseminar "The habitability concept in the field of population-environment studies: relevance and research implications"
Marion Borderon
Harald Sterly
Patrick Sakdapolrak
Francois Gemenne
Caroline Zickgraf
Alex de Sherbinin
Susana Adamo
Radley Horton
PERN Cyberseminar "The habitability concept in the field of population-environment studies: relevance and research implications"
Organisation of ...
13.3.2023 - 19.3.2023
Thinking habitability as socially differentiated, and as influenced by tele-connections
Harald Sterly
PERN Cyberseminar "The habitability concept in the field of population-environment studies: relevance and research implications"
Talk or oral contribution
13.3.2023 - 13.3.2023
Nachhaltige Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung
Sebastian Fastenrath
Diercke Fachtag. Westermann Verlag
Talk or oral contribution
11.3.2023 - 11.3.2023
Showing entries 301 - 320 out of 2693