Conferences and workshops

Beyond East and West - A Framework for Researching and Communicating Historical Landscapes

Markus Breier , Karel Kriz , Alexander Pucher
EuroCarto 2022
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
19.9.2022 - 19.9.2022

Eröffnungsfeier der Core Facility LTWER

Constantin Eduardo Pöll
Eröffnungsfeier der Core Facility LTWER
Other, Participation in ...
19.9.2022 - 19.9.2022

Kohlenstoffflüsse im Schilfgürtel des Neusiedler Sees

Pamela Alessandra Baur , Andreas Maier , Thomas Zechmeister , Stephan Glatzel
Eröffnungsfeier der Core Facility LTWER
Other, Talk or oral contribution
19.9.2022 - 19.9.2022

Neusiedler See: Sedimentanalysen im Schilfgürtel bei Illmitz

Raphael Müller , Pamela Alessandra Baur , Andreas Maier , Stephan Glatzel
Eröffnungsfeier der Core Facility LTWER
Other, Talk or oral contribution
19.9.2022 - 19.9.2022

Arbeitsmarktintegration durch soziale Innovation? Europäische Perspektiven und Ansatzpunkte

Yvonne Franz
Talk or oral contribution
14.9.2022 - 14.9.2022

Rassismuskritische Bildung

Christiane Hintermann
Humaneographische Sommerschulen
Summer/Winter school, Talk or oral contribution
13.9.2022 - 13.9.2022

Einblicke in kooperative Herangehensweisen in der Regionalentwicklung

Yvonne Franz , Martin Heintel
AK Ländliche Räume in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
12.9.2022 - 12.9.2022

26. Jahrestagung: Ländliche Räume im strukturellem Wandel

Martin Heintel , Elisabeth Gruber
26. Jahrestagung: Ländliche Räume im strukturellem Wandel
Conference, Organisation of ...
12.9.2022 - 14.9.2022

Investigating pore coupling effects in near-surface environments using nuclear magnetic resonance

Francisca Antonia Soto Bravo
PANGEO Leoben 2022
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
10.9.2022 - 13.9.2022

Carbon fluxes and sediment analysis of the reed belt of Lake Neusiedl

Pamela Alessandra Baur , Raphael Müller , Stephan Glatzel
7th Nationalparks Austria Symposium for Research in Protected Areas
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
7.9.2022 - 7.9.2022

Identifying hot spots and hot moments of fine sediment connectivity on agricultural hillslopes of the Fugnitz catchment (Thayatal National Park region) using sediment transport modeling and network analysis

John Edward Perez , Laura Turnbull-Lloyd , John Wainwright , Shubham Tiwari , Ronald Pöppl
7th Nationalparks Austria Symposium for Research in Protected Areas
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
7.9.2022 - 7.9.2022

7. Nationalparks Austria Forschungssymposium

Constantin Eduardo Pöll
7. Nationalparks Austria Forschungssymposium
Conference, Participation in ...
7.9.2022 - 9.9.2022

7th Nationalparks Austria Symposium for Research in Protected Areas

Pamela Alessandra Baur
7th Nationalparks Austria Symposium for Research in Protected Areas
Conference, Participation in ...
7.9.2022 - 9.9.2022

Geoethics Spectrum

Ourania Kounadi , Dara Seidl
Talk or oral contribution
.9.2022 - .9.2022

Keynote am 61st ERSA Congress. Topic: "Smart specialization, place-based innovation and sustainability transitions" in Pécs, Hungary

Michaela Trippl
Talk or oral contribution
22.8.2022 - 26.8.2022

Carbon Limitation of the Ammonia Oxidizing Archaeon Nitrososphaera viennensis

Logan Hodgskiss , Melina Kerou , Barbara Bayer , Andreas Maier , Wolfram Weckwerth , Thomas Nägele , Christa Schleper
Conference, Poster presentation
15.8.2022 - 15.8.2022

International Migration (Journal)

Raffaella Pagogna
Publication peer-review
.8.2022 - .2.2023

Mitglied des Fachbeirats für Stadtplanung und Stadtgestaltung der Stadt Wien

Kerstin Krellenberg
.8.2022 - ..

Introducing the concept of ‘Synergetic Regional Governance’: Steering regional development through multi-layered regional governance networks

Martina Schorn
AESOP Annual Congress 2022
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
27.7.2022 - 27.7.2022

Learning from the pandemic: The perceived and revealed impactsof the Covid-19 pandemic on urban planning and housing

Martina Schorn , Alexander Barnsteiner , Chiara Kupnik , Anna Kajosaari , Alois Humer
AESOP Annual Congress 2022
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
26.7.2022 - 26.7.2022