Conferences and workshops
Showing entries 441 - 460 out of 2693
Hillslope failure due to stream undercutting: The 2021 flood event in the Ahr-valley and resulting mass movements – a multi-method approach
Till Wenzel
EGU General Assembly 2022
Talk or oral contribution
26.5.2022 - 26.5.2022
Deciphering CH4 emission pathways in a reed ecosystem employing chamber measurements and stable carbon isotope signatures
Pamela Alessandra Baur
EGU General Assembly 2022
Talk or oral contribution
25.5.2022 - 25.5.2022
Mapping organic soil using hydro-geomorphological probabilities and kmeans cluster
Christine Kroisleitner
EGU General Assembly 2022
Talk or oral contribution
25.5.2022 - 25.5.2022
Brauchen wir eine andere wirtschaftliche Bildung?
Christiane Hintermann
Misch Dich Ein
Talk or oral contribution
23.5.2022 - 23.5.2022
EGU General Assembly 2022
Pamela Alessandra Baur
EGU General Assembly 2022
Participation in ...
23.5.2022 - 27.5.2022
Vortrag: Brauchen wir eine andere wirtschaftliche Bildung?
Christiane Hintermann
Misch Dich Ein
Talk or oral contribution
23.5.2022 - 23.5.2022
he potential of boulder-dominated periglacial and related landforms as palaeoclimatic and morphodynamic indicators in selected areas of South Norway.
Philipp Marr
Stefan Winkler
Jörg Löffler
Arbeitskreis Hochgebirge der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie
Talk or oral contribution
20.5.2022 - 22.5.2022
Sustainability Transformations – Challenges for and the Potential of Cities
Kerstin Krellenberg
Science meets City
Talk or oral contribution
20.5.2022 - 20.5.2022
Treibhausgase und der Schilfgürtel des Neusiedler Sees - Gibt es da Zusammenhänge?
Pamela Alessandra Baur
Raphael Müller
Claudia Blauensteiner
Andreas Maier
Lange Nacht der Forschung 2022
Talk or oral contribution
20.5.2022 - 20.5.2022
GW-Unterricht zum Umgang mit Krise und Veränderung
Daniel Raithofer
Tagung Zukunft Fachdidaktik GW 2022: Bildung für eine ökonomische-soziale-ökologische Transformation?
Poster presentation
19.5.2022 - 19.5.2022
Tagung Zukunft Fachdidaktik GW 2022: Bildung für eine ökonomische-soziale-ökologische Transformation?
Christiane Hintermann
Herbert Pichler
Lars Keller
Tagung Zukunft Fachdidaktik GW 2022: Bildung für eine ökonomische-soziale-ökologische Transformation?
Organisation of ...
18.5.2022 - 20.5.2022
Voices from abroad
Patrick Sakdapolrak
Voices from abroad
Talk or oral contribution
17.5.2022 - 17.5.2022
Training School "Icelandic Nature-Based Solution approaches in Urban and Rural Context"
Francisca Antonia Soto Bravo
Training School "Icelandic Nature-Based Solution approaches in Urban and Rural Context"
Summer/Winter school,
Participation in ...
9.5.2022 - 15.5.2022
Cities in the Anthropocene - transformative power towards sustainability?
Kerstin Krellenberg
Vienna Anthropocene Network
Lecture series, colloquium,
Talk or oral contribution
5.5.2022 - 5.5.2022
Impact of climate change on human migration. Empirical Issues.
Marion Borderon
Talk or oral contribution
4.5.2022 - 4.5.2022
Urban Sustainability Transformations – Of climate change and other contemporary challenges
Kerstin Krellenberg
ERN-Environmental Engagements:talks
Talk or oral contribution
4.5.2022 - 4.5.2022
Urbanität oder Fläche? Wie sich innerstädtische Bezirke von großen Flächenbezirken an der Peripherie unterscheiden
Martin Heintel
Asperner Grätzlgespräche
Panel discussion, round table,
Talk or oral contribution
4.5.2022 - 4.5.2022
Conceptual and methodological challenges in understanding patterns of (im)mobilities in a changing climate: Insights from Ethiopia and India
Marion Borderon
Virtual Geography Speaker Series
Lecture series, colloquium,
Talk or oral contribution
.5.2022 - .5.2022
Enhancing resilience of vulnerable rural communities against hydrometeorological hazards in tropical mountains. A case study from the Sierra de las Minas, Guatemala.
Yenny Alejandra Jimenez Donato
Carla Restrepo
Miguel Antonio Avila Mora
Sara Michelle Catalán Armas
Alberto Munoz-Torrero Manchado
Markus Stoffel
Juan Antonio Ballesteros Cánovas
EGU General Assembly 2022
Talk or oral contribution
.5.2022 - .5.2022
The Privacy of Location and Geodata
Ourania Kounadi
Talk or oral contribution
.5.2022 - .5.2022
Showing entries 441 - 460 out of 2693