Conferences and workshops
Showing entries 461 - 480 out of 2693
Climate Change, Vulnerability and Migration
Harald Sterly
25th Metropolis Conference
Talk or oral contribution
28.4.2022 - 28.4.2022
Mobility Lecture #12 with Ingrid Boas: Climate Mobilities. Migration, Im/mobilities and Mobility Regimes in a Changing Climate
Rachael Diniega
Patrick Sakdapolrak
Mobility Lecture #12 with Ingrid Boas: Climate Mobilities. Migration, Im/mobilities and Mobility Regimes in a Changing Climate
Lecture series, colloquium,
Organisation of ...
28.4.2022 - 28.4.2022
Vernetzungstreffen "Wir alle machen Wirtschaft"
Christiane Hintermann
Vernetzungstreffen "Wir alle machen Wirtschaft"
Organisation of ...
26.4.2022 - 26.4.2022
Auf die AkteurInnen kommt es an: Anforderungen an Kompetenzen und (Selbst-)Organisation für innovationsorientierte Regionalentwicklung
Martin Heintel
Meine Region - Heimat. Zukunft. Lebensraum
8.4.2022 - 8.4.2022
Die transformative Kraft der Städte
Kerstin Krellenberg
„…mittwochs im GIUB“
Lecture series, colloquium,
Talk or oral contribution
6.4.2022 - 6.4.2022
International Spring School in Nature-Based Risk Mitigation
Francisca Antonia Soto Bravo
International Spring School in Nature-Based Risk Mitigation
Summer/Winter school,
Participation in ...
2.4.2022 - 11.4.2022
Geographica Helvetica: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Laender- und Voelkerkunde (Journal)
Christiane Hintermann
Publication peer-review
.4.2022 - .4.2022
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (Journal)
Raffaella Pagogna
Publication peer-review
.4.2022 - .8.2022
Mixed Paludiculture and Aquaculture for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta of California to Restore Peat, Diversify Revenue Streams and Sustain Wildlife
Stephan Glatzel
Robert Bugg
Emily Wells
William Horwath
Talk or oral contribution
29.3.2022 - 29.3.2022
Differences in peat formation between an Atlantic blanket bog and a subcontinental raised bog
Stephan Glatzel
Fred Worrall
Ian Boothroyd
Simon Drollinger
Leeds Moody
Gareth Clay
Talk or oral contribution
22.3.2022 - 22.3.2022
Integrating Migration into National Adaptation Plans
Harald Sterly
Soumyadeep Banerjee
Best Practices on Adaptation to Climate Change and their Integration into the National Adaptation Planning (NAP) Process
Talk or oral contribution
22.3.2022 - 22.3.2022
17th AESOP Young Academics Conference
James Vandenberg
17th AESOP Young Academics Conference
Participation in ...
22.3.2022 - 25.3.2022
Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung im Kontext von Klimawandel. Einsichten aus Deutschland und Australien
Sebastian Fastenrath
Talk or oral contribution
12.3.2022 - 12.3.2022
Raumsensible Betrachtung der sozialen Nachhaltigkeit
Martin Heintel
OÖ Zukunftsforum 2022
Talk or oral contribution
8.3.2022 - 8.3.2022
Conférence : Migrations climatiques : caractéristiques, enjeux et gouvernance
Marion Borderon
Migrations climatiques : caractéristiques, enjeux et gouvernance
Talk or oral contribution
7.3.2022 - 7.3.2022
Big Picture Talks
Leonard Kwhang-Gil Lemke
Big Picture Talks
Panel discussion, round table,
Organisation of ...
1.3.2022 - 1.3.2022
AAG Annual Conference 2022
Yvonne Franz
Gudrun Haindlmaier
AAG Annual Conference 2022
Organisation of ...
28.2.2022 - 28.2.2022
Arrival neighbourhoods: Intersections of analogue and digital spheres.
Yvonne Franz
AAG Annual Conference 2022
Talk or oral contribution
28.2.2022 - 28.2.2022
From the Edge: A Conversation on the Political Ecologies of Digitalization
Yvonne Franz
AAG Annual Conference 2022
Talk or oral contribution
26.2.2022 - 26.2.2022
Showing entries 461 - 480 out of 2693