Conferences and workshops
Showing entries 801 - 820 out of 2693
Cultural Diversity and Migration
Gunnar Stange
Talk or oral contribution
31.7.2019 - 31.7.2019
Vortrag im Rahmen der Summerschool Green.Building.Solutions, OeAD-WohnraumverwaltungsGmbH, Wien
Elisabeth Aufhauser
Yvonne Franz
Green Building Solutions Vienna 2019
Summer/Winter school,
Talk or oral contribution
24.7.2019 - 24.7.2019
Sustainable Urban Planning
Elisabeth Aufhauser
Yvonne Franz
Green Building Solutions Vienna 2019
Summer/Winter school,
Talk or oral contribution
23.7.2019 - 24.8.2019
ALBINA The White Goddess - Mapping and Communicating Avalanche Risk in the European Alps
Karel Kriz
29th International Cartographic Conference
Talk or oral contribution
17.7.2019 - 17.7.2019
Image of Excellence - Developing Wine Maps for Austria
Karel Kriz
29th International Cartographic Conference
Talk or oral contribution
17.7.2019 - 17.7.2019
Promoting a youth-sensitive regional development agenda in rural regions affected by selective outmigration. A case study on Regional Governance patterns in Austria and Germany
Martina Schorn
AESOP Annual Congress 2019
Talk or oral contribution
12.7.2019 - 12.7.2019
European Cross-Border Cooperation. Stages of territorial integration and contribution to cooperation networks in cross-border regions.
Jiannis Kaucic
AESOP Annual Congress 2019
Talk or oral contribution
10.7.2019 - 10.7.2019
Mediating Migrant Societies
Herbert Pichler
Daniel Raithofer
AGIT 2019 The spatial view
Talk or oral contribution
4.7.2019 - 4.7.2019
Policies against brain drain? An analysis of strategies to attract young return migrants in depopulating rural regions in Austria and Germany
Martina Schorn
IMISCOE Annual Conference 2019
Talk or oral contribution
27.6.2019 - 27.6.2019
Simulation of cascading mass flows in GIS: progress and challenges
Martin Mergili
First EAGE Workshop on Assessment of Landslide and Debris Flows Hazards in the Carpathians
Talk or oral contribution
17.6.2019 - 20.6.2019
Vortrag und Podiumsdiskussion im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe „DiskursDirekt“ zum Thema „Grenzen, Grenzziehungen und Grenzüberschreitungen“ in der Remise in Bregenz
Martin Heintel
Talk or oral contribution
11.6.2019 - 11.6.2019
European Cross-Border Cooperation. Stages of territorial integration and contribution to cooperation networks in cross-border regions.
Jiannis Kaucic
Regional Studies Association Annual Conference
Talk or oral contribution
7.6.2019 - 7.6.2019
Räume ordnen, Räume entwickeln - Zukunft gestalten
Axel Priebs
Talk or oral contribution
24.5.2019 - 24.5.2019
Baulandentwicklung und Naturschutz
Axel Priebs
Österreichischer Städtetag 2019
Talk or oral contribution
23.5.2019 - 23.5.2019
La ville comme expérience. Enjeux de la fabrique des espaces urbains
Sandra Guinand
Talk or oral contribution
23.5.2019 - 23.5.2019
Trace isotope detection of Cl, I and Cs at the Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator: Routine & Ventures
Johannes Lachner
Sabine Kraushaar
Sarah Maria Kamleitner
Oscar Marchhart
Martin Martschini
Peter Steier
Alexander Wieser
Robin Golser
IAEA Hydrology Symposium 2019
Poster presentation
23.5.2019 - 23.5.2019
Crear valor y reinventar los usos del patrimonio
Sandra Guinand
Centro Historico de la Ciudad de Mexico.
Talk or oral contribution
22.5.2019 - 22.5.2019
Showing entries 801 - 820 out of 2693