Conferences and workshops
Showing entries 1021 - 1040 out of 2693
Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Moore in Österreich
Stephan Glatzel
Talk or oral contribution
26.1.2018 - 26.1.2018
Accuracy and quality of remotely sensed data for landslide studies some challenges in response to the 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake, New Zealand
William Ries
Garth Archibald
Kathie Jones
Chris Massey
Jamie Howarth
jon Tunnicliffe
Tim Stahl
Thomas Glade
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2018
Poster presentation
..2018 - ..2018
Applying Schmidt-hammer exposure-age dating (SHD) to evaluate the age of periglacial and paraglacial features in southern Norway
Philipp Marr
Talk or oral contribution
..2018 - ..2018
Applying Schmidt-hammer exposure-age dating (SHD) to evaluate the age of periglacial and paraglacial features in southern Norway: Are they footprints of climatic cooling?
Philipp Marr
Arbeitskreis Hochgebirge der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie
Talk or oral contribution
..2018 - ..2018
ASEAS - Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies (Journal)
Gunnar Stange
Patrick Sakdapolrak
Editor of journal or series
..2018 - ..2018
Deglaciation dynamics following the Last Glacial Maximum along an east-west transect in southern Norway
Philipp Marr
Central European Conference on Geomorphology and Quaternary Sciences
Poster presentation
..2018 - ..2018
Delineation of internal landslide structures using complex conductivity imaging and geotechnical investigations case study Hofermühle, Lower Austria
Christina Karl
Margherita Johanna Stumvoll
Jakob Gallistl
Adrián Flores Orozco
Thomas Glade
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2018
Poster presentation
..2018 - ..2018
Does climate-change effect the occurrence of landslides? The robustness of landslide-triggering rainfall thresholds in the Flyschzone in Lower Austria
Nina Marlovits
Stefan Wallner
Thomas Glade
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2018
Poster presentation
..2018 - ..2018
European Urban and Regional Studies (Journal)
Sandra Guinand
Publication peer-review
..2018 - ..2018
ExtremA: a review of extreme natural hazard events in Austria
Katrin Sattler
Martin Mergili
Thomas Glade
Susanne Mehlhorn
Florian Rudolf-Miklau
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2018
Poster presentation
..2018 - ..2018
Flash flood susceptibility maps derived with a coupled hydrologic - hydraulic model an application in Braunsbach, Germany
Anna Rentrop
André Assmann
Thomas Glade
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2018
Poster presentation
..2018 - ..2018
Geoelectric long-time monitoring: Changes and pattern within subsurface resistivity during different precipitation events in the Salcher landslide, Gresten (Lower Austria)
Simon Lidauer
Birgit Jochum
David Ottowitz
Margherita Johanna Stumvoll
Thomas Glade
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2018
Poster presentation
..2018 - ..2018
Hydro-chemical detection of dead ice and permafrost degradation
Sabine Kraushaar
Sarah Maria Kamleitner
Verena Czarnowsky
Jan Blöthe
David Morche
Kay Knöller
Peter Steier
Johannes Lachner
Nicht angegeben
Poster presentation
..2018 - ..2018
Incompleteness matters An approach to counteract inventory-based biases in statistical landslide susceptibility modelling
Stefan Steger
Alexander Brenning
Rainer Bell
Thomas Glade
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2018
Poster presentation
..2018 - ..2018
Induced-polarization imaging for the delineation of subsurface variability in clay-rich landslides
Jakob Gallistl
Matthias Bücker
Birgit Jochum
Thomas Glade
Adrian Flores Orozco
Nicht angegeben
Poster presentation
..2018 - ..2018
International Scientific Commitee - Advices for Klima 2050 as a Centre
Thomas Glade
K. Mjörnell
H. Eakin
R. Matos
J. Lohne
..2018 - ..2018
Landslide monitoring using multi-temporal surface and sub-surface measurement techniques embedding quantitative data into theoretical landscape development concepts
Margherita Johanna Stumvoll
Thomas Glade
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2018
Poster presentation
..2018 - ..2018
LiDAR-based detection and evaluation of mass-movements at the eastern fringe of the Alps
Erich Draganits
Philip Leopold
Lisa Aldrian
Michael Doneus
Christina Rechberger
Erwin Heine
Christian Zangerl
EGU General Assembly 2018
Poster presentation
..2018 - ..2018
Meteorological thresholds for landslide initiation and its potential application in a landslide early warning system in the Wanzhou section of Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China
HongWei Jiang
Kunlong Yin
Thomas Glade
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2018
Poster presentation
..2018 - ..2018
Methods used in operational avalanche forecasting around the globe - a comprehensive study
Viktor Agoston
Katalin Andrea Gillemot
International Snow Science Workshop
Poster presentation
..2018 - ..2018
Showing entries 1021 - 1040 out of 2693