Conferences and workshops
Showing entries 1161 - 1180 out of 2693
ARL PhD Summer School „Social Innovation in Regional and Urban Development“
Yvonne Franz
Hans-Heinrich Blotevogel
Heinz Fassmann
Rainer Danielzyk
ARL PhD Summer School „Social Innovation in Regional and Urban Development“
Summer/Winter school,
Organisation of ...
..2017 - ..2017
Articulo. Journal of Urban Research (Journal)
Sandra Guinand
Publication peer-review
..2017 - ..2017
Comparison of non-landslide sampling strategies to counteract inventory-based biases within national-scale statistical landslide susceptibility models
Pedro Henrique Muniz Lima
Stefan Steger
Thomas Glade
EGU General Assembly 2017
Poster presentation
..2017 - ..2017
Connectivity and complex systems in geomorphology: addressing some key challenges
Saskia Keesstra
Patricia Saco
Joao Nunes
Anthony Parsons
Ronald Pöppl
Paolo Pereira
Agata Novara
Jesús Rodrigo Comino
Antonio Jordán
Rens Masselink
Artemi Cerda
EGU General Assembly 2017
Poster presentation
..2017 - ..2017
Does a ‘living lab’ change it all? About interethnic encounters in super-diverse neighbourhoods in Vienna.
Yvonne Franz
Julia Dahlvik
14th IMISCOE Annual Conference
Talk or oral contribution
..2017 - ..2017
Gentrification 2.0 Final Conference
Yvonne Franz
Michael Friesenecker
Arnoud Lagendijk
Freek de Haan
Huib Ploegmakers
Rianne van Melik
Serap Kayasu
Gentrification 2.0 Final Conference
Panel discussion, round table,
Organisation of ...
..2017 - ..2017
Geomorphological Forcing of Proglacial Lake Dynamics in Mountain Areas
Martin Mergili
Cristina Viani
Marie-Claire Schug
Christian Huggel
Adam Emmer
9th International Conference on Geomorphology
Poster presentation
..2017 - ..2017
Geomorphometric analysis of shallow landslides in the Walgau valley (Austria)
Gregor Lützenburg
Elmar Schmaltz
Thomas Glade
EGU General Assembly 2017
Poster presentation
..2017 - ..2017
GIS- and field based mapping of geomorphological changes in a glacier retreat area: A case study from the Kromer valley, Silvretta Alps (Austria)
Markus Guttmann
Ronald Pöppl
EGU General Assembly 2017
Poster presentation
..2017 - ..2017
How does interethnic coexistence work
Yvonne Franz
Josef Kohlbacher
Julia Dahlvik
How does interethnic coexistence work
Panel discussion, round table,
Organisation of ...
..2017 - ..2017
Hydro-chemical detection of permafrost degradation for relief implications
Sabine Kraushaar
The Fourteenth International AMS Conference, Ottawa 2017
Talk or oral contribution
..2017 - ..2017
Hydro-chemical detection of permafrost degradation in the Eastern European Alps - Implications for geomorphological process studies and natural hazard assessment
Sabine Kraushaar
EGU General Assembly 2017
Talk or oral contribution
..2017 - ..2017
Influence of large wood on channel hydraulics, sediment (dis-)connectivity and channel morphology in a medium-sized mixed-load Austrian stream
Anne Schuchardt
Ronald Pöppl
David Morche
EGU General Assembly 2017
Poster presentation
..2017 - ..2017
Integrated simulation of high-mountain process chains
Martin Mergili
SGmG Jahrestagung
Talk or oral contribution
..2017 - ..2017
Integrated simulation of high-mountain process chains with open source GIS
Martin Mergili Jahrestreffen 2017
Talk or oral contribution
..2017 - ..2017
Investigating the performance of LiDAR-derived biomass information in hydromechanic slope stability modelling
Elmar Schmaltz
Stefan Steger
Thom Bogaard
Rens Van Beek
Thomas Glade
EGU General Assembly 2017
Poster presentation
..2017 - ..2017
Investigation of alpine blockfields in south western Norway – Implications on the vertical extent of the Late Weichselian ice sheet
Philipp Marr
American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting
Poster presentation
..2017 - ..2017
Is it beneficial to approximate pre-failure topography to predict landslide susceptibility with empirical models?
Stefan Steger
Elmar Schmaltz
Thomas Glade
EGU General Assembly 2017
Poster presentation
..2017 - ..2017
Is there still dead ice in a Little Ice Age (LIA) lateral moraine? And why the heck should we care?
Sarah Maria Kamleitner
Verena Czarnowsky
Johannes Lachner
Peter Steier
David Morche
Sabine Kraushaar
11th International Young Geomorphologists Meeting
Talk or oral contribution
..2017 - ..2017
Yvonne Franz
Vienna Design Week
Talk or oral contribution
..2017 - ..2017
Showing entries 1161 - 1180 out of 2693