Conferences and workshops
Showing entries 1441 - 1460 out of 2693
Urbaner Raum
Heinz Faßmann
Unversity Meets Industry
Talk or oral contribution
21.1.2015 - 21.1.2015
Migration in und nach EUropa
Heinz Faßmann
Europa – Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Europäischen Union
Talk or oral contribution
15.1.2015 - 15.1.2015
Hot Spot Vienna. What drives urban diversity?
Roman Bauer
Social Design Public Lecture Series
Talk or oral contribution
12.1.2015 - 12.1.2015
Are there still dead ice lenses in 1850 LIA moraines? First results from the Kaunertal, Austria. 9th IAG/AIG SEDIBUD Workshop - Sediment Dynamics in Cold Climate Environments
Ronald Pöppl
S Kamleitner
Czarnowsky V.
J Lachner
P Steier
Sabine Kraushaar
9th IAG/AIG SEDIBUD Workshop - Sediment Dynamics in Cold Climate Environments
Poster presentation
..2015 - ..2015
Association of European Schools of Planning, Young Academics (AESOP YA) (External organisation)
Meike Levin-Keitel
Research organization
..2015 - ..2020
Characterization of perennial and episodic springs with stable isotope signatures in the Kaunertal Valley, Austria
Czarnowsky V.
Sarah Kamleitner
Kay Knöller
Jürgen Heinrich
David Morche
Sabine Kraushaar
Poster presentation
..2015 - ..2015
Die partizipative Gestaltung eines interaktiven gendersensiblen Online-Atlas für Österreich
Monika Riegler
Martin Wenk
Elisabeth Aufhauser
Florian Ledermann
Deutscher Kongress für Geographie DKG 2015
Poster presentation
..2015 - ..2015
Early Career Investigators’ Network (ECIN), INOGOV COST (External organisation)
Meike Levin-Keitel
Research organization
..2015 - ..2018
Early Career Investigators’ Network (ECIN), INOGOV COST (External organisation)
Meike Levin-Keitel
..2015 - ..2018
Ein genderATlas für Österreich
Martin Wenk
Monika Riegler
Elisabeth Aufhauser
Florian Ledermann
Manuela Schmidt
agit 2015. Symposium und Expo. Angewandte Geoinformatik. Geospatial Minds for Society
Poster presentation
..2015 - ..2015
European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) (External organisation)
Yvonne Franz
..2015 - ..2015
Geomorphometrische Risikobewertung der Sturzflutdynamik eines hochdynamischen, anthropogen stark überprägten Einzugsgebietes in den Cinque Terre.
Elmar Schmaltz
Nicht angegeben
Poster presentation
..2015 - ..2015
Heavy precipitation and the response within emergency management - an approach for emergency planning and disaster prevention by utilizing fire brigade operation data
Thomas Kutschker
Thomas Glade
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2015
Poster presentation
..2015 - ..2015
Human impact on the geomorphic evolution of the HOAL catchment, Lower Austria.
Ronald Pöppl
Sabine Kraushaar
Symposium Hydrologische Prozessforschung 2015
Poster presentation
..2015 - ..2015
Implications of long- lived radionuclide 129I for Geomorphology first attempts from Kaunertal
Sarah Kamleitner
Czarnowsky V.
Ronald Pöppl
Johannes Lachner
Peter Steier
Sabine Kraushaar
9th IAG/AIG SEDIBUD Workshop - Sediment Dynamics in Cold Climate Environments
Poster presentation
..2015 - ..2015
Multi-scale quantitative vulnerability assessment of buildings towards debris-?ows: an application to Fella River Basin, Italy
Roxana Liliana Ciurean
Haydar Hussin
Thomas Glade
Cees Van Westen
Maria Papathoma-Köhle
Nicht angegeben
Poster presentation
..2015 - ..2015
Österreichische Geographische Gesellschaft (ÖGG) (External organisation)
Raphael Müller
Research organization
..2015 - ..
Permanent 3D laser scanning system for alpine hillslope instabilities
Ekrem Canli
Benjamin Thiebes
Bernhard Höfle
Thomas Glade
6th International Conference of Debris-Flow Hazard Mitigation
Poster presentation
..2015 - ..2015
Quantifying sediment connectivity in Wadi Al-Arab (NW Jordan) using a sediment budget approach.
Ronald Pöppl
Sabine Kraushaar
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2015
Poster presentation
..2015 - ..2015
Quantifying sediment connectivity on catchments scale in Wadi Al-Arab (NW Jordan)
Sabine Kraushaar
Ronald Pöppl
Jahrestagung AK Geomorphologie
Poster presentation
..2015 - ..2015
Showing entries 1441 - 1460 out of 2693