Research Ethics

The members of the Department of Geography and Regional Research at the University of Vienna are committed to conducting their research with respect for the dignity and integrity of people and the environment. The department’s Institutional Review Board (IRB-IfGR) has the task of examining research projects by members of the Institute for possible ethical problem areas before they are carried out.

The Research Ethics Screening gives researchers and project teams gives researchers and project teams the possibility to reflect on potential ethical risks, problems and challenges related to their projects and to obtain feedback from the Institutional Review Board of the Department of Geography and Regional Research (IRB-IfGR). They either receive a confirmation, that the project can be realized on the resarcher's own responsibility, or they must submit an application to the Ethics Committee of the University of Vienna. Based on Austrian legislation (2002 Universities Act) and the Statutes of the University of Vienna, the Ethics Committee is entitled to assess, if research projects respect the fundamental values of human dignity, liberty and health and do not violate any legal provisions.

The IRB-IfGR usually reviews the research project within four weeks of receiving all documents. The application must be submitted before the start of the research. Subsequent examination is not possible.