Digital Geography
The working group on Digital Geography explores the new means of Geographical Research in the Digital World.
Our works involves testing existing geographical theories and methods with new types of geodata. This data (e.g., geosocial media data, collective sensing data, PPGIS, etc.) is increasingly used in geographical studies. Their lack of semantic structure, varying and at times exuberant textual content may hide rich information that cannot be captured by traditional data sources. Also, we investigate new forms of analysis and modelling such as extending or adapting methods & workflows to become more spatially-aware. The fusion of new data and forms allows us to test new hypotheses (or triangulating them) on the relationships between humans and the environment.
Furthermore, we are interested in the new technologies that generate process, store, analyse and share data (smartphones, LBS, LBSN, mobile technical sensors, mobile apps, semi-volunteered online registrations/submissions) with the scope of evaluating and improving the geographical information that is being produced.