Mission Statement

The multiple crises of our time, such as human-induced climate change, biodiversity loss, resource depletion and regional inequalities, call for profound changes in innovation patterns and socio-economic structures and practices.

At the core of our research and teaching lies the critical examination of how socio-economic, socio-ecological, and socio-technological transitions towards sustainability unfold spatially, and the ways in which such shifts can be guided by strategies and policies that prioritise environmental sustainability and social justice.

By addressing the spatial relationships, societal and policy dynamics that underpin the uneven geographies of transitions, we contribute to a better understanding of equitable and resilient pathways for a sustainable future and create policy impact in an era of grand societal challenges.


The working group publishes two working paper series:

  • PEGIS (in cooperation with Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austrian Academy of Science, University of Agder and Kiel University) and
  • GEIST (in a joint initiative between Eawag and the University of Vienna)



Kooperative Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung

Yvonne Franz | Martin Heintel (Hg.)


Öffentliche Präsentation - Webinar

Leerstand ehemaliger Fabriken bei gleichzeitigem Bedarf an Wohnraum für junge wie ältere Menschen – wie lässt sich...


Die Bewältigung der Auswirkungen von Klimawandel, Fragestellungen zur Mobilität oder Herausforderungen einer gerechten Raumentwicklung kann künftig...


Master's students of the Department of Geography and Regional Research present their research approach to the analysis of a textile wasteland in the...


The former textile factory in Hirschbach/Waldviertel serves as a learning case for industrial transformation in Austria for 15 master's students from...


Am Universitätsstandort Campus Landeck fand der Zertifikatskurs „Kooperative Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung – Die resiliente Region“ der Universität...