Current international publications of the working group
Tödtling, F., Trippl, M., & Desch, V. M. (2022). New directions for RIS studies and policies in the face of grand societal challenges. European Planning Studies, 30(11), 2139-2156.
Reiner, C., & Benner, M. (2022). Cooperation bias in regional policy: is competition neglected? Annals of Regional Science, 69(1), 187-221.
Lehmann, T., Benner, M., & Kapo, A. (2022). Institutional asymmetries in a low-coordination economy: the smart specialization paradox in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Innovation - The European Journal of Social Science Research. Advance online publication.
Gong, H., Binz, C., Hassink, R., & Trippl, M. (2022). Emerging industries: institutions, legitimacy and system-level agency. Regional Studies, 56(4), 523-535.
Dickey, A., Kosovac, A., Fastenrath, S., Acuto, M., & Gleeson, B. (2022). Fragmentation and urban knowledge: An analysis of urban knowledge exchange institutions. Cities, 131, Article 103917.
Benner, M. (2022). A tale of sky and desert: Translation and imaginaries in transnational windows of institutional opportunity. Geoforum, 128, 181-191.
Benner, M. (2022). An institutionalist perspective on smart specialization: Towards a political economy of regional innovation policy. Science and Public Policy, 49(6), 878-889. Article scac035.
Benner, M. (2022). Legitimizing path development by interlinking institutional logics: The case of Israel’s desert tourism. Local Economy, 37(7), 564-583.
Benner, M. K. P. (2022). Retheorizing industrial–institutional coevolution: a multidimensional perspective. Regional Studies, 56(9), 1524-1537.
Baumgartinger-Seiringer, S., Fünfschilling, L., Miörner, J., & Trippl, M. (2022). Reconsidering regional structural conditions for industrial renewal. Regional Studies, 56(4), 579-591.
Baumgartinger-Seiringer, S. (2022). The role of powerful incumbent firms: shaping regional industrial path development through change and maintenance agency. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 9(1), 390-408.
Baumgartinger-Seiringer, S., Doloreux, D., Shearmur, R., & Trippl, M. (2022). When history does not matter? The rise of Quebec’s wine industry. Geoforum, 128, 115-124.
Trippl, M., Baumgartinger-Seiringer, S., Goracinova, E., & Wolfe, D. A. (2021). Automotive regions in transition: Preparing for connected and automated vehicles. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 53(5), 1158-1179.
Isaksen, A., Trippl, M., Kyllingstad, N., & Rypestøl, J. O. (2021). Digital transformation of regional industries through asset modification. Competitiveness Review, 31(1), 130-144.
Haindlmaier, G., Wagner, P., & Wilhelmer, D. (2021). Transformation Rooms: Building transformative capacity for European cities. International Journal of Urban Planning and Smart Cities (IJUPSC), 2(2).
Haddad, C., & Benner, M. K. P. (2021). Situating innovation policy in Mediterranean Arab countries: A research agenda for context sensitivity. Research policy, 50(7), Article 104273.
Fastenrath, S., & Coenen, L. (2021). Future-proof cities through governance experiments? Insights from the Resilient Melbourne Strategy (RMS). Regional Studies, 55(1), 138-149.
Baumgartinger-Seiringer, S., Miörner, J., & Trippl, M. (2021). Towards a stage model of regional industrial path transformation. Industry and Innovation, 28(2), 160-181.
Showing entries 21 - 38 out of 38