Recent publications of the Research group

Hackenbroch K, Hossain S, Altrock U, Schoon S, Sterly H. Informality, urban governance and the state: negotiations of space in Dhaka and the Pearl River Delta. International Development Planning Review. 2016 Jun;38(3):229–253. doi: 10.3828/idpr.2016.14

Pérez S, Laperrière V, Borderon M, Padilla C, Maignant G, Oliveau S. Evolution of research in health geographics through the International Journal of Health Geographics (2002–2015). International Journal of Health Geographics. 2016 Jan 20;15(1):3. doi: 10.1186/s12942-016-0032-1

Sakdapolrak P, Annika M. Gesellschaft und Umwelt. In Humangeographie kompakt. 2016. p. 13-37

Ayanlade A, Jegede MO, Borisade PB. Geoinformatics in Eco-Climatic Studies. In Khosrow-Pour M, editor, Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology. 3. ed. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. 2015. p. 3136-3144 doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-5888-2.ch307

Stange G. Arahmaiani im Dialog mit der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Frankfurter Forschung / Arahmaiani in Dialogue with Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences in Frankfurt. In Stange G, Kraus W, editors, Arahmaiani - Violence No More: Austellungskatalog zur Ausstellung "Violence No More" der Künstlerin Arahmaiani vom 12.10. bis 25.10.2015 im Haus am Dom, Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurt am Main. 2015. p. 43-59

Hillmann F, Pahl M, Rafflenbeul B, Sterly H. Conclusion: Linking Migration, Environmental Change and Adaptation - Lessons Learnt. In Hillmann F, Pahl M, Rafflenbeul B, Sterly H, editors, Environmental Change, Adaptation and Migration: bringing in the region. Basingstoke, New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2015. p. 283-290

Sakdapolrak P, Greiner C, Bunchuay-Peth SA. Deciphering migration in the age of climate change: Towards an understanding of translocal relations in social-ecological systems. TransRe (Translocal Resilience Project), Department of Geography, University of Bonn. 2015. doi: 10.13140/2.1.4402.9765