Dr. Lucas Barning, BA MA

University Assistant Post-doc


Department of Geography and Regional Research
Universitätsstr. 7/5, D503
1010 Vienna

Tel.: +43-1-4277-48687

Email: lucas.barning@univie.ac.at


Office hours: appointments via e-mail


Lucas Barning is a geographer and planning scholar with a focus on social theory, governance, planning theory and the social and political dimensions of energy systems and their change.

In July 2024 he joined the Working Group of Spatial Research and Spatial Planning, where he focusses on the bridging the topics of energy transitions and spatial planning with a focus on aspects of power dynamics and justice. Currently he co-leads the Research Network on Eco-Social Policy and Practice for Innovation and Transformation [ESPPRIT] (March 2024 – March 2027), funded by the Regional Studies Association (RSA).

Before joining the Working Group, Lucas has studied Geography and Urban and Regional Development at the University of Bremen (BA and MA) and pursued his doctoral studies (Dr.rer.soc.oec.) at the TU Wien, Institute for Spatial Planning. In his dissertation (completed in June 2024), he explored the governance of electricity infrastructure at the example of smart grid development in India. In parallel he has been working in the sustainable mobility stream of the Horizon 2020 project SHARED GREEN DEAL (2022-2024).