
Growing Resilience with Urban Agriculture for Sustainable Cities

Project partners

  • Project lead: University ov Vienna, Univ-Prof. Kerstin Krellenberg, James Vandenberg MSc 
  • Projektpartner: University of the Philipines, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kristian Saguin, Dr. Yany Lopez

Project duration
01.06.2024 – 31.05.2026

Project funding
OEAD, Kooperation Entwicklungsforschung (KoEF) des Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung (BMBWF)

About the project

The international collaboration project GReenSCape addresses and analyzes the multifunctionality of different types of Urban Agriculture, their impact on the resilience capacities of cities, and their ability to contribute to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which extend beyond SDG 2 – ‘No Hunger’ and SDG 11 – ‘Sustainable Cities & Communities’.

In the context of climate change, storms, floods and heatwaves are becoming more frequent and intense, putting urban infrastructures to the test. This can lead to the disruption of highly interconnected global supply chains, which in turn can exacerbate food and nutrition insecurity and socio-economic inequalities. Cities must therefore strengthen their resilience to meet these challenges.

GReenSCape analyses the extent to which different types of urban agriculture can contribute to urban resilience and the SDGs. To this end, field research (interviews and workshops) is being conducted in the two case cities, Quezon City and Vienna.


Further informations: