Miriam Lindsberger, BA

© Fabian Skala 2024

Department of Geography and Regional Research

Working Group Urban Studies

Student Project Assistant

Universitätsstr. 7, 5th floor, Room C0519

1010 Vienna

Tel: +43-1-4277-48764

E-Mail: miriam.lindsberger@univie.ac.at


During my Bachelor's degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology, I was able to explore issues of sustainable urban development and was particularly interested in alternative and future-oriented housing concepts. I am currently completing my Masters in Spatial Research and Spatial Planning, focusing on the transformative potential of new urban neighbourhoods, affordable housing and gender planning. I am currently supporting the Urban Studies working group as a student project assistant in the project 'ReCity - An inter- and transdisciplinary approach to revitalizing former small industrial cities in Armenia to enhance their transformative potential towards sustainability'.