Konferenzen & Workshops

Sociotechnical Foundations of GeoAI and Spatial Data Science

Krzysztof Janowicz , Michael Goodchild , Ivan Majic , Mina Karimi , Meilin Shi , Zilong Liu , Alexandra Fortacz , Daniela Wölfle
Sociotechnical Foundations of GeoAI and Spatial Data Science
Seminar/Workshop, Organisation von ...
26.10.2024 - 27.10.2024

Digital Twins in Urban Informatics

Krzysztof Janowicz , Mina Karimi , Ivan Majic , Meilin Shi , Zilong Liu , Alexandra Fortacz , Daniela Wölfle , Michael Goodchild
Digital Twins in Urban Informatics
Sonstiges, Organisation von ...
25.10.2024 - 25.10.2024

Exploring Changes in Sense of Place Post-Events Using Large Language Models

Mina Karimi
The 5th Spatial Data Science Symposium
Konferenz, Vortrag
24.10.2024 - 24.10.2024

The Fifth Spatial Data Science Symposium

Krzysztof Janowicz , Ivan Majic , Mina Karimi , Meilin Shi , Zilong Liu , Alexandra Fortacz , Mina Karimi , Krzysztof Janowicz , Daniela Wölfle
The Fifth Spatial Data Science Symposium
Konferenz, Organisation von ...
23.10.2024 - 24.10.2024

Erhaltung und Wiederherstellung der Biodiversität in Mooren Österreichs

Stephan Glatzel
39. Tagung des Nationalen Ramsar Komitees
Seminar/Workshop, Vortrag
21.10.2024 - 21.10.2024

Università degli Studi di Pisa

Kerstin Krellenberg
CircleU. Chair Retreat
Seminar/Workshop, Andere
21.10.2024 - 23.10.2024

High-accuracy landslide monitoring in densely vegetated slopes: A methodological approach using terrestrial photogrammetry and novel filtering techniques

Benedikt Müller , Janek Walk
50. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geomorphologie (DGGM) 2024
Konferenz, Vortrag
11.10.2024 - 11.10.2024

Mobiler Vortrag "Transformation Siebenhirten" im Rahmen des DREAMS Symposium

Philip Krassnitzer
11.10.2024 - 11.10.2024

Multi-method investigation to characterize kinematic drivers in clay-rich, slow-moving landslides

Edoardo Carraro
50. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geomorphologie (DGGM) 2024
Konferenz, Vortrag
11.10.2024 - 11.10.2024

50. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geomorphologie (DGGM) 2024

Edoardo Carraro
50. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geomorphologie (DGGM) 2024
Konferenz, Teilnahme an ...
9.10.2024 - 11.10.2024

Discussant at IE Talk 'Extraction: The Frontiers of Green Capitalism' by Thea Riofrancos (Providence College) in cooperation with ÖFSE Development Lectures, Department of Political Science, Department of Geography and Regional Research, and Department of History

Cornelia Staritz , Thea Riofrancos , Aleksandra Natalia Wojewska , Erika Faigen , Sebastian Felten , Bernhard Tröster
IE Talk 'Extraction: The Frontiers of Green Capitalism'
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium, Vortrag
7.10.2024 - 7.10.2024

Tourismus & Regionalentwicklung: Kooperationsräume schaffen!

Martin Heintel
Gemeinsam stark: Kooperationen für einen nachhaltigen & resilienten Tourismus
Seminar/Workshop, Vortrag
4.10.2024 - 4.10.2024

Current practices, challenges, and opportunities for an Evolving Location Privacy

Ourania Kounadi
.10.2024 - .10.2024

Combined application of multi-temporal monitoring and investigations to assess the evolution of a complex, slow-moving landslide (Lower Austria, Austria)

Edoardo Carraro
Sensing Mountains, Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research
Summer/Winter School, Posterpräsentation
24.9.2024 - 24.9.2024

Sensing Mountains, Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research

Edoardo Carraro
Sensing Mountains, Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research
Summer/Winter School, Teilnahme an ...
22.9.2024 - 28.9.2024

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Kerstin Krellenberg
20.9.2024 - 21.9.2024

How resilient is the Puergschachen bog as a GHG sink over 7.5 years?

Pamela Alessandra Baur , Andreas Maier , Stephan Glatzel
international Peatland Science Conference
Konferenz, Vortrag
19.9.2024 - 19.9.2024

Lives under constraints: Between involuntary immobility and survival mobility in the remote communities of Walta Bilisuma, Kersa, Ethiopia

Coline Garcia
8th Conference on Migration Research in Austria "Global inequalities, (Im)Mobilities and Migration Societies: Post-Migrant Perspectives"
Konferenz, Vortrag
19.9.2024 - 19.9.2024

Living with Change: Climate, Migration and Socio-Cultural Adaptation in Thailand

Simon Alexander Bunchuay-Peth
19.9.2024 - 19.9.2024

Österreichs Energie Kongress 2024

Kerstin Krellenberg
Österreichs Energie Kongress 2024
Konferenz, Teilnahme an ...
19.9.2024 - 19.9.2024