Konferenzen & Workshops

Semesterfrage: Aus welchem Stoff wird unsere Zukunft sein?

Kerstin Krellenberg
Semesterfrage: Aus welchem Stoff wird unsere Zukunft sein?
Podiumsdiskussion, Round Table, Teilnahme an ...
15.1.2024 - 15.1.2024

Inaugural Lecture: Cities worth living in and for – adapt, transform to become resilient and sustainable

Kerstin Krellenberg
Inaugural Lecture: Cities worth living in and for – adapt, transform to become resilient and sustainable
Sonstiges, Vortrag
11.1.2024 - 11.1.2024

Why Spatial is Special in Artificial Intelligence Research

Krzysztof Janowicz
11.1.2024 - 11.1.2024

Vortrag im Rahmen GeoInno 2024 zum Thema "Towards a Challenge-oriented Approach for Regions in Sustainability Transition"

Simon Baumgartinger-Seiringer
7th Geography of Innovation Conference
Konferenz, Vortrag
10.1.2024 - 10.1.2024

A Framework for Long-Term Landslide Monitoring

Philipp Marr , Edoardo Carraro , Yenny Alejandra Jimenez Donato , Robert Kanta , Thomas Glade
Konferenz, Posterpräsentation
..2024 - ..2024

A mapping platform for wide-view SPK

Mariana Vallejo Velázquez , Ourania Kounadi
Konferenz, Posterpräsentation
..2024 - ..2024

Critical Infrastructure at Risk: Analysing Geomorphic Hazards in the Wipptal, Tirol

Till Wenzel , Philipp Marr
50. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geomorphologie (DGGM) 2024
Konferenz, Posterpräsentation
..2024 - ..2024

Exploring the potential of Cosmic Rays Neutron Sensing (CRNS) on a slow-moving landslide in Lower Austria

Philipp Marr , Yenny Alejandra Jimenez Donato , Robert Kanta , Thomas Glade , Enrico Gazzola , Luca Morselli , Stefano Gianessi
50. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geomorphologie (DGGM) 2024
Konferenz, Posterpräsentation
..2024 - ..

Geomorphic Hazards and Infrastructure Vulnerability in the Brenner Corridor (Austria – Italy)

Philipp Marr , Till Wenzel , Thomas Glade
6th International Resilience Conference
Konferenz, Vortrag
..2024 - ..

Geomorphic Hazards and the Imperative of Multi-Hazard Assessment for Road Infrastructure in Mountain Areas

Till Wenzel , Philipp Marr , Thomas Glade
European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU) 2024
Konferenz, Vortrag
..2024 - ..2024

Journal of geophysical research : JGR ; an internat. quarterly. D. Atmospheres (Fachzeitschrift)

Kyle Boodoo
Herausgabe einer Fachzeitschrift oder Reihe
..2024 - ..2026

Knowledge Graphs for GIScience

Krzysztof Janowicz
The 16th Conference on Spatial Information Theory
Konferenz, Vortrag
..2024 - ..2024

Naturgefahren in verschiedenen Räumen: Gravitative Massenbewegungen von Norwegen bis Niederösterreich

Philipp Marr
ÖGG - Österreichische Geographische Gesellschaft
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium, Vortrag
..2024 - ..2024

NoeSLIDE-Long-term Monitoring of slow-moving landslides in Lower Austria

Philipp Marr
LTER-Austria Konferenz 2024
Konferenz, Vortrag
..2024 - ..2024

The role of emergency management in times of water stress-The need for adaptation.

Danielle Carbon , Till Wenzel
European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU) 2024
Konferenz, Posterpräsentation
..2024 - ..2024

Understanding the role of soil moisture in landslide research: Application of Cosmic Rays Neutron Sensing (CRNS) on a slow moving landslide in Lower Austria

Philipp Marr , Yenny Alejandra Jimenez Donato , Robert Kanta , Thomas Glade , Enrico Gazzola , Luca Morselli , Stefano Gianessi , Federica Lorenzi
EGU General Assembly 2024
Konferenz, Posterpräsentation
..2024 - ..2024

Mobility Lecture #16 with Lore Van Praag: Migration and Environmental Change in Morocco. Findings, New Developments and Challenges

Rachael Diniega , Patrick Sakdapolrak
Mobility Lecture #16 with Lore Van Praag: Migration and Environmental Change in Morocco. Findings, New Developments and Challenges
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium, Organisation von ...
12.12.2023 - 12.12.2023

Neue Rollen, neue Wege?

Meike Levin-Keitel
11.12.2023 - 11.12.2023

Addressing Human Mobility-Related Challenges and Opportunities in the Context of Climate Change: A Supplement to the UNFCCC Technical Guidelines for the National Adaptation Plan Process

Harald Sterly
COP 28
Konferenz, Vortrag
10.12.2023 - 10.12.2023

Diversity Week. Panel "Commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion"

Yvonne Franz , Christiane Hintermann , Kerstin Krellenberg
Diversity Week. Panel "Commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion"
Podiumsdiskussion, Round Table, Teilnahme an ...
6.12.2023 - 6.12.2023