Konferenzen & Workshops

Rethinking Migration Policy in Austria

Heinz Faßmann
Migration and Integration – Global and Local Dimensions
Konferenz, Vortrag
19.9.2013 - 19.9.2013

From integration to supremacy: post-conflict elections in Aceh, Indonesia, and their impact on the peace process

Gunnar Stange
Elections and Peace: Democratic Transitions in Ethnically Diverse Societies
Konferenz, Vortrag
13.9.2013 - 14.9.2013

From integration to supremacy: Post-conflict elections in Aceh, Indonesia, and their impact on the peace process

Gunnar Stange
Elections and Peace: Democratic Transitions in Ethnically Diverse Societies
Konferenz, Vortrag
13.9.2013 - 13.9.2013

Landslide risk and management strategies

Thomas Glade
International School Landslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation
Konferenz, Vortrag
12.9.2013 - 12.9.2013

Web-GIS for landslide risk.

Thomas Glade
International School Landslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation
Konferenz, Vortrag
12.9.2013 - 12.9.2013

Biodiversity offsets and ecological compensation: finding the missing link between green infrastructure and river restoration

Constantin Eduardo Pöll
The 5th European River Restoration Conference
Konferenz, Posterpräsentation
11.9.2013 - 13.9.2013

Gewinnung und Berufung ausländischer Wissenschaftler an der Universität Wien

Heinz Faßmann
Gewinnung und Berufung ausländischer Wissenschaftler im internationalen Vergleich
Konferenz, Vortrag
10.9.2013 - 10.9.2013

Land und Leute – Ländliche Räume, Identitäten und Widersprüche

Martin Heintel
6. Nachhaltigkeitskonferenz - "Nachhaltigkeit in Wert gesetzt"
Konferenz, Vortrag
10.9.2013 - 10.9.2013

CENTROPE – Social and economic linkages and/or cross-border governance in the Vienna-Bratislava Region

Walter Matznetter
EUGEO IV Conference in Rom (Association of Geographical Societies in Europe)
Konferenz, Vortrag
7.9.2013 - 7.9.2013

Religiöse und ethnische Diversität in Wien: Eine räumliche Analyse

Roman Bauer
Deutscher Geographentag
Konferenz, Vortrag
5.9.2013 - 5.9.2013

LARAM 2013 - LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation

Stefan Steger
LARAM 2013 - LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation
Summer/Winter School, Teilnahme an ...
2.9.2013 - 14.9.2013

An exploration of the role of human activity in the generation and maintenance of hummocky meadows (“Buckelwiesen” landscapes) in the European Alps

Christine Embleton-Hamann
8th IAG - International Conference on Geomorphology
Konferenz, Vortrag
31.8.2013 - 31.8.2013

The Way is the Goal

Markus Breier
International Cartographic Conference
Konferenz, Vortrag
30.8.2013 - 30.8.2013

Crashkurs Raumordnung und Landesplanung in NRW

Hans-Heinrich Blotevogel
Landtag NRW
Konferenz, Vortrag
28.8.2013 - 28.8.2013

ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography at a Glance

Karel Kriz
26th International Cartographic Conference
Konferenz, Vortrag
27.8.2013 - 27.8.2013

Probabilistic modelling of uncertainties in vulnerability assessment - application to hydro-meteorological hazards in the municipality of Malborghetto-Valbruna, Italy.

Roxana Liliana Ciurean
8th IAG - International Conference on Geomorphology
Konferenz, Vortrag
27.8.2013 - 31.8.2013

Spatial and temporal patterns of landslide risk – a case study in Lower Austria.

Catrin Promper
8th IAG - International Conference on Geomorphology
Konferenz, Vortrag
27.8.2013 - 31.8.2013

Spatio-temporal landslide dynamics and their contribution to the channel system from 1946 to 2011, Southern Ruahines, New Zealand.

Raphael Riedler
8th IAG - International Conference on Geomorphology
Konferenz, Vortrag
27.8.2013 - 31.8.2013

8th IAG - International Conference on Geomorphology

Stefan Steger
8th IAG - International Conference on Geomorphology
Konferenz, Teilnahme an ...
27.8.2013 - 31.8.2013

ENGAGE - Geomorphic Systems and Risk Research

Thomas Glade
20.8.2013 - 20.8.2013