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Koyanagi, K., Nordio, G., Andreoli, A., Tomelleri, E., Pöppl, R., & Comit, F. (2024). Legacy effects of post-storm silvicultural treatments on plot-scale soil erosion in a subalpine headwater catchment of the Italian Alps. EGU General Assembly 2024, Wien, Österreich.

Wenzel, T., Marr, P., Glade, T., Höfler, F., Preißler, A., Adams, M., Cocuccioni, S., Pittore, M., Hürlimann, M., van Westen, C., & Atun, F. (2024). Local Natural Hazards, Cascading to Cross-Regional Risks and Impacts Along the Main Transit Route from North and South in the Austrian Alps. in Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (S. 359-369)

Walker, J., Allen, A., Bakarr Bangura, I., Hofmann, P., Kombe, W., Leblond, N., Mtwangi Limbumba, T., Simoes Mavila Magaia, C., Vouhé, C., & Wesely, J. (2024). Pursuing aspirations for decent sanitation work: How informal workers navigate the universe of rules that shape sanitation practices in urban Africa. in T. Coggin, & R. Madhav (Hrsg.), Mapping Legalities: Urbanisation, Law and Informal Work (S. 205-228). Routledge. Routledge Studies in Urbanism and the City