Mag. Stefan Haselberger
Sommersemester 2025
290007 UE Übungen zur Physischen Geographie
290044 SE Masterseminar aus Physischer Geographie - Rezente Landschaftsdynamik im Alpenraum
290104 EX Fachexkursion - Inland - Fließgewässermanagement im Fokus am Beispiel der Viadonau
290116 EX Fachexkursion - Inland - Alpine Landschaftsdynamik und Mensch-Umwelt-Interaktionen am Schneeberg
Haselberger, S., Junker, R. R., Ohler, L. M., Otto, J. C., & Kraushaar, S. (2024). Structural shifts in plant functional diversity during biogeomorphic succession: Moving beyond taxonomic investigations in an alpine glacier foreland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49(8), 2458-2474.
Haselberger, S., Scheper, S., Otto, J.-C., Zangerl, U., Ohler, L. M., Junker, R., & Kraushaar, S. (2023). Catchment-scale patterns of geomorphic activity and vegetation distribution in an alpine glacier foreland (Kaunertal Valley, Austria). Frontiers in Earth Science, 11, Artikel 1280375.
Ohler, L. M., Haselberger, S., Janssen, S., Otto, J.-C., Kraushaar, S., & Junker, R. (2023). Proglacial slopes are protected against erosion by trait diverse and dense plant communities associated with specific microbial communities. Basic and Applied Ecology.
Ohler, L. M., Seeleitner, S., Haselberger, S., Kraushaar, S., Otto, J.-C., Mitter, B., & Junker, R. (2022). Manipulation of phyllosphere bacterial communities reversibly alters the plant microbiome and leaf traits in the field. Alpine Botany, 132(2), 301-314.
Zangerl, U., Haselberger, S., & Kraushaar, S. (2022). Classifying Sparse Vegetation in a Proglacial Valley Using UAV Imagery and Random Forest Algorithm. Remote Sensing.
Haselberger, S., Ohler, LM., Junker, R. R., Otto, JC., Glade, T., & Kraushaar, S. (2021). Quantification of biogeomorphic interactions between small‐scale sediment transport and primary vegetation succession on proglacial slopes of the Gepatschferner, Austria. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46(10), 1941-1952.
Cunliffe, A., Kraushaar, S., & Haselberger, S. (2021). Global application of an unoccupied aerial vehicle photogrammetry protocol for predicting aboveground biomass in non‐forest ecosystems. Remote Sensing in Ecology and COnservation.
Haselberger, S., Ohler, L. M., Otto, J.-C., Junker, R., Glade, T., & Kraushaar, S. (2021). Quantification of biogeomorphic interactions between small-scale sediment transport and primary vegetation succession on proglacial slopes of the Gepatschferner, Austria. EGU, General Assembly 2021, Wien, Österreich.
Pichler-Scheder, C., Pöppl, R., Humer, L., Haselberger, S., Dilly, L., David, J., Hoefler, S., & Gumpinger, C. (2021). Untersuchung der gewässeroekologischen Auswirkungen von Feinsedimenteinträgen auf die Makrozoobenthosgemeinschaften des Gewässernetzes im Einzugsgebiet des Nationalparks Thayatal. Naturkundliche Mitteilungen aus den Landessammlungen Niederösterreich, (31), 123-138.
Bernsteiner, H., Brozova, N., Eischeid, I., Haselberger, S., Huber, M., Kollert, A., Vandyk, T. M., & Pirotti, F. (2020). MACHINE LEARNING FOR CLASSIFICATION OF AN ERODING SCARP SURFACE USING TERRESTRIAL PHOTOGRAMMETRY WITH NIR AND RGB IMAGERY. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 5(3), 431-437.
Winkler, S., Matthews, J. A., Haselberger, S., Hill, J., Mourne, R. W., Owen, G., & Wilson, P. (2020). Schmidt-hammer exposure-age dating (SHD) of sorted stripes on Juvflye, Jotunheimen (central South Norway): Morphodynamic and palaeoclimatic implications. Geomorphology, 353, Artikel 107014.
Matthews, J. A., Haselberger, S., Hill, J., Owen, G., Winkler, S., Hiemstra, J. F., & Hallang, H. (2020). Snow-avalanche boulder fans in Jotunheimen, southern Norway: Schmidt-hammer exposure-age dating, geomorphometrics, dynamics and evolution. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography.
Pöppl, R., Dilly, L., Haselberger, S., Renschler, C., & Baartman, J. (2019). Combining Soil Erosion Modeling with Connectivity Analyses to Assess Lateral Fine Sediment Input into Agricultural Streams. Water, 11(9), Artikel 1793.
Pöppl, R., Dilly, L., Haselberger, S., Renschler, C., & Baartman, J. (2019). Combining soil erosion modelling with connectivity analyses to assess lateral fine sediment input into agricultural streams. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Österreich.
Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung
Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG)
1010 Wien