Dr. Philipp Marr, B.Sc. M.Sc.
T: +43-1-4277-48753

van Westen, C., Naz, I., van den Bout, B., Flacke, J., Manzella, I., Atun, F., Marr, P., Agmon, G., Ottow, B., Hürlimann, M., Kumar, P., Cocuccioni, S., Schollerer, L., Kulakowska, M., Koelle, B., Ermolieva, T., & Twayana, R. (2024). Development of a Platform for the Generation, Visualisation and Quantification of Disaster Impact Chains. in International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science (S. 449-466)

Wenzel, T., Marr, P., Glade, T., Höfler, F., Preißler, A., Adams, M., Cocuccioni, S., Pittore, M., Hürlimann, M., van Westen, C., & Atun, F. (2024). Local Natural Hazards, Cascading to Cross-Regional Risks and Impacts Along the Main Transit Route from North and South in the Austrian Alps. in International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science (S. 359-369)

Hürlimann, M., Marr, P., Glade, T., Komendantova, N., de Zeeuw-van-Dalfsen, E., Armas, I., Kundak, S., Lantada, N., Pantaleoni Reluy, N., Wenzel, T., Alkema, D., van Westen, C., Atun, F., & Cocuccioni, S. (2024). Systemic Multi-sectoral and Multi-hazard Risk Assessment in Current and Future Scenarios. The PARATUS-Project. in International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science (S. 425-432)

Cocuccioni, S., Romagnoli, F., Pittore, M., Armas, I., Danila, D. T., Osaci, G., van Westen, C., Albulescu, C., Gösku, C., Kundak, S., Arslani, K. Y., Klkanli, D., Pak, E. Ö., Konukcu, B. E., Wenzel, T., Marr, P., de Zeeuw-van-Dalfsen, E., Savelberg, L., Kalubowila, P., ... Atun, F. (2024). The Use of Impact Chains to Describe Complex Cause-Effect Relationships Within a Systemic Multi-sectoral and Multi-hazard Risk Assessment. in International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science (S. 433-447)

Hürlimann, M., Marr, P., Komendantova, N., Glade, T., de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen, E., Armas, I., Kundak, S., Lantada, N., Wenzel, T., Pantaleoni Reluy, N., Alkema, D., van Westen, C., Atun, F., & Cocuccioni, S. (2024). The web-based simulation and information service for multi-hazard impact chains. Design document. in Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (S. 425-432)

Marr, P., Winkler, S., & Löffler, J. (2022). Environmental and Socio-Economic Consequences of Recent Mountain Glacier Fluctuations in Norway. in Mountain Landscapes in Transition: Effects of Land Use and Climate Change (S. 289-314). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-70238-0_10

Marr, P., Winkler, S., & Löffler, J. (2022). Palaeoclimatic and morphodynamic implications from boulder dominated peri- and paraglacial landforms in two areas of South Norway. 10th International Conference on Geomorphology, Coimbra, Portugal.

Marr, P., Winkler, S., Dahl, S. O., & Löfller, J. (2021). Palaeoclimatic and morphodynamic implications of Holocene boulder-dominated periglacial and paraglacial landforms in Rondane, South Norway. EGU, General Assembly 2021, Wien, Österreich.

Kankaanpää, T., Vesterinen, E., Hardwick, B., Schmidt, N. M., Andersson, T., Aspholm, P. E., Barrio, I. C., Beckers, N., Bety, J., Birkemoe, T., DeSiervo, M., Drotos, K. H. I., Ehrich, D., Gilg, O., Gilg, V., Hein, N., Hoye, T. T., Jakobsen, K. M., Jodouin, C., ... Roslin, T. (2020). Parasitoids indicate major climate‐induced shifts in arctic communities. Global Change Biology, 26(11), 6276-6295. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15297

Exploring the effect of landslide mitigation and protection measures under simulated hazard scenarios

Yenny Alejandra Jimenez Donato (Vortragende*r), Edoardo Carraro (Autor*in), Benedikt Müller (Autor*in), Robert Kanta (Autor*in), Philipp Marr (Autor*in), Martin Mergili (Autor*in) & Thomas Glade (Autor*in)

12 Juni 2024

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Geomorphic Hazards and Infrastructure Vulnerability in the Brenner Corridor (Austria – Italy)

Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Till Wenzel (Autor*in) & Thomas Glade (Vortragende*r)

2024 → …

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Public

Geomorphic Hazards and the Imperative of Multi-Hazard Assessment for Road Infrastructure in Mountain Areas

Till Wenzel (Vortragende*r), Philipp Marr (Autor*in) & Thomas Glade (Autor*in)


Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

NoeSLIDE-Long-term Monitoring of slow-moving landslides in Lower Austria

Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r)


Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

NoeSLIDE - Multi-parameter monitoring of different types of landslides in Lower Austria

Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Thomas Glade (Autor*in), Robert Kanta (Autor*in), Edoardo Carraro (Autor*in), Yenny Alejandra Jimenez Donato (Autor*in) & Benedikt Müller (Autor*in)

Okt. 2023

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Insights from the EU Horizon project PARATUS (Promoting disaster preparedness and resilience by co-developing stakeholder support tools for managing the systemic risk of compounding disasters)

Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Thomas Glade (Autor*in), Cees van Westen (Autor*in), Funda Atun (Autor*in), Seda Kundak (Autor*in), Iuliana Armas (Autor*in), Ruxandra Mocanu (Autor*in), Elske de Zeeuw-van-Dalfsen (Vortragende*r), Lotte Savelberg (Autor*in), Silvia Cocuccioni (Autor*in), Marcel Hürlimann (Autor*in), Bettina Koelle (Autor*in) & Jon Hall (Autor*in)


Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Morphodynamic and palaeoclimatic significance of boulder-dominated periglacial and related landforms in Breheimen, South Norway

Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Stefan Winkler (Autor*in) & Jörg Löffler (Autor*in)


Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Morphodynamic and palaeoclimatic significance of boulder-dominated periglacial and related landforms in Breheimen, South Norway

Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Jörg Löffler (Autor*in) & Stefan Winkler (Autor*in)


Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Promoting disaster preparedness and resilience by co-developing stakeholder support tools for managing the systemic risk of compounding disasters

Cees van Westen (Vortragende*r), Funda Atun (Autor*in), Silvia Cocuccioni (Vortragende*r), Marcel Hürlimann (Vortragende*r), Bettina Koelle (Autor*in), Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Iuliana Armas (Autor*in), Seda Kundak (Autor*in), Elske de Zeeuw-van-Dalfsen (Autor*in), Marc van den Homberg (Autor*in) & Jon Hall (Autor*in)


Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

The European alpine transport corridor – investigating the systemic impact of compounding disasters within the PARATUS project

Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Thomas Glade (Autor*in), Yenny Alejandra Jimenez Donato (Autor*in), Klaus Gspan (Vortragende*r), Astrid Preißler (Autor*in), Marc Adams (Autor*in), Massimiliano Pittore (Autor*in), Silvia Cocuccioni (Autor*in) & Marcel Hürlimann (Autor*in)


Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

he potential of boulder-dominated periglacial and related landforms as palaeoclimatic and morphodynamic indicators in selected areas of South Norway.

Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Stefan Winkler (Autor*in) & Jörg Löffler (Vortragende*r)

20 Mai 202222 Mai 2022

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Boulder-dominated periglacial and related landforms as palaeoclimatic and morphodynamic indicators in Breheimen, South Norway

Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Stefan Winkler (Vortragende*r) & Jörg Löffler (Vortragende*r)


Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Landslide Observatories in Austria

Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r)


Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Palaeoclimatic and morphodynamic implications from boulder dominated peri- and paraglacial landforms in two areas of South Norway

Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Stefan Winkler (Vortragende*r) & Jörg Löffler (Vortragende*r)


Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Projekt [NoeSLIDE] Multi-Parameter Monitoring von unterschiedlichen Typen gravitativer Massenbewegungen in Niederösterreich

Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Thomas Glade (Vortragende*r) & Margherita Johanna Stumvoll (Vortragende*r)

1 Juni 2021

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Palaeoclimatic and morphodynamic implications of Holocene boulder-dominated peri- and paraglacial landforms in Rondane, South Norway

Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r), Stefan Winkler (Autor*in), Jörg Löffler (Autor*in) & Svein Olaf Dahl (Autor*in)

11 Feb. 2021

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Deglaciation chronology in southern Norway following the Last Glacial Maximum

Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r)


Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Deglaciation chronology in southern Norway following the Last Glacial Maximum

Philipp Marr (Vortragende*r)


Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung

Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG)
1010 Wien
Zimmer: B0503

T: +43-1-4277-48753
