The univie: ARL International Summer School 2021
© Y. Franz (2021)
The univie: ARL International Summer School 2021
"Urban and Regional Infrastructures"
29 September to 2 October 2021
hybrid at University of Vienna (Juridicum)
Infrastructure has regained interest in geography and planning studies in course of a global, interdisciplinary 'infrastructural turn' during the last two decades. The new systemic questions around infrastructure development and planning exceed well beyond engineering and technology issues of the former centuries and reach into social, political and economic spheres of debate. Global connectivity, mobility, digitalisation, urbanisation, energy demand, capitalist growth and crises attach their uneven trajectories to infrastructural networks and services. Through that, the development of urban and regional infrastructures may shape new geographies of inequality and re-negotiates standards of infrastructural provision – such as availability, accessibility, affordability, quality and variety. At the same time, normatively spoken, ‘good’ governance and development of infrastructure can be a key for sustainability oriented urban and regional planning as well as policy.
The summer school is sponsored and organized by the ARL - Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association in cooperation with the Department of Geography and Regional Research at the University of Vienna (UNIVIE) as a member of the UNIVIE Research Platform "The Challenge of Urban Futures".
Four invited speakers will contribute to the summer school programme with keynote lectures, tutoring and a panel discussion:
- Prof. Timothy Moss from Humboldt University of Berlin,
- Prof. Erik Swyngedouw from the University of Manchester,
- Prof. Marketta Kyttä from Aalto University Finland,
- Prof. Bas van Heur from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel
14 doctoral students from all over Europe whose research addresses a variety of actors (from neighbourhood initiatives to businesses and government bodies), a range of issues (from mobility to green infrastructure), as well as diverse approaches and instruments (such as social interactions, public participation and platforms as well as climate adaptation).
Programme & Public Events
Over the course of four days, doctoral students work intensively with renowned academic experts and practitioners on a current topic. They discuss their research methods and first results, develop new approaches and questions, expand their professional network, and gain experience in publishing scientific papers.
Public Online Events:
Wed., Sep 29th 2021, 16.15-16.45:
Welcome Opening by R. Danielzyk, A. Humer and Y. Kazepov
The Summer School is co-organised by ARL and UNIVIE.
Rainer Danielzyk is the Secretary General of the ARL - Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association
Alois Humer is Professor at the Department of Geography and Regional Research, UNIVIE
Yuri Kazepov is Professor at the Department of Sociology the PI of the Research Platform URBAN FUTURES, UNIVIE
Wed., Sep 29th 2021, 16.45-17.45:
Public Keynote by Timothy Moss
Remaking Berlin. A History of the City through Infrastructure, 1920-2020
Timothy Moss is Senior Researcher at the Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems (IRI THESys) at the Humboldt University of Berlin.
Thur., Sep 30th 2021, 09.00-10.00:
Public Keynote by Marketta Kyttä
Participatory mapping as a tool to diagnose environmental health promotion processes and to enhance large-scale public participation
Marketta Kyttä is Professor for Land Use Planning at the Department of Built Environment at the Aalto University.
Fri, Oct 1st 2021, 09.00-10.00:
Public Keynote by Erik Swyngedouw
Life and Death in the Urbicene: The Depoliticized Politics of Anthropocenic Infrastructures
Erik Swyngedouw is Professor of Geography at The University of Manchester, UK.
Fri, Oct 1st 2021, 16.45-18.30:
Public Panel Discussion
"Theory & Practice: Reflections on social infrastructure" powered by SIforREF
Panelists: Katharina Spanlang and Florian Rautner & Guest, Caritas Wien and
Yuri Kazepov, University of Vienna
Moderation: Yvonne Franz, University of Vienna
ARL - Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association
Prof. Dr. Rainer Danielzyk
Vahrenwalder Straße 247
30179 Hannover – Germany
University of Vienna (UNIVIE)
Department of Geography and Regional Research
Prof. Dr. Alois Humer
Universitätsstr. 7
1010 Vienna – Austria
University of Vienna (UNIVIE)
Faculty of Social Sciences
Research Platform "The Challenge of Urban Futures”
Prof. Dr. Yuri Kazepov
Rooseveltplatz 2
1090 Vienna – Austria
for further information