Landscape Central Moldova (pixabay)
Migration Moldova – Mainstreaming migration into the National Adaptation Plan in Moldova
Climate change is increasingly affecting the lives and livelihoods of people in the Republic of Moldova, especially small family farmers. At the same time, migration is very important for Moldova's economy and society - an estimated 25% of Moldovan households receive remittances from abroad. The Government of the Republic of Moldova is therefore collaborating with the International Organisation for Migration IOM and the University of Vienna to develop a strategy on how migration can be included in National Adaptation Plans (NAP) to climate change.
The central question is how, under which circumstances, and for whom migration and translocal connections - in their different forms - contribute to climate change adaptation. Our working group is cooperating with IOM Moldova, the regional IOM office in Vienna and with research and practice partners in Moldova.
Together with our project partners, qualitative and quantitative data will be collected and analysed to provide a solid basis for policy recommendations. In addition, a guidebook for mainstreaming migration into NAPs will be designed, and a multi-day training on migration and climate change will be held for representatives from politics and administration.