Working Group Urban Studies

The working group looks at the effects of global change processes such as climate change and digital change in cities. Tackling the complexity of social, ecological and technical processes and their interactions in the urban system is central to the work of the group. This calls for the interdisciplinary cooperation with other working groups and institutions. Together with various urban actors such as city administrations, the private sector and civil society, integrative approaches for the development of sustainable urban societies are developed. City specific challenges and the potential of cities to contribute to global sustainability is in the focus. This way, the Urban Studies working group pursues an inter- and transdisciplinary social-ecological-technical urban research and teaching profile for the integrative analysis of human-environmental-technological interactions and urban sustainability transformations. Comparative studies are conducted in European and Latin American/Asian cities, with different challenges and development paths.

News & Events


Kooperative Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung (Cooperative urban and regional development) will be presented on March 12. Please register to attend the...


Yvonne Franz reflects together with Stefan de Corte on the 4Cities Master, which will take place for the last time in 2025. Listen in to find out what...


Urban transitions in Vienna – Let’s explore Viertel Zwei



ARTE Europe Weekly with Yvonne Franz


Master's students of the Department of Geography and Regional Research present their research approach to the analysis of a textile wasteland in the...


The former textile factory in Hirschbach/Waldviertel serves as a learning case for industrial transformation in Austria for 15 master's students from...