Ronald Pöppl

Senior Lecturer
Leader of the sub-working group

Ronald is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Geography and Regional Research at the University of Vienna, and leader of the HI-CONN research group. His research focuses on water and sediment connectivity in fluvial systems with a specific emphasis on the role of humans. For further information please visit Ronald's personal website:

Fields of research

  • Physical Geography
  • Geoecology
  • Connectivity in river (catchment) systems (Focus: Human Impact)
  • Sustainable use of resources (Foci: soil, water, climate change contexts)
  • Fluvial Geomorphology (Focus: Human Impact)
  • River and catchment management (Foci: Nature Based Solutions, Aquatic Ecology)
  • Human-environment interactions
  • Natural Hazards



Showing entries 101 - 108 out of 108
Pöppl R, Keiler M, Glade T. Geomorphic Response to agricultural land use in small fluvial Systems - The role of landscape connectivity.. 2010. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2010, San Fransicso, United States.

Showing entries 101 - 108 out of 108