Ronald Pöppl

Senior Lecturer
Leader of the sub-working group

Ronald is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Geography and Regional Research at the University of Vienna, and leader of the HI-CONN research group. His research focuses on water and sediment connectivity in fluvial systems with a specific emphasis on the role of humans. For further information please visit Ronald's personal website:

Fields of research

  • Physical Geography
  • Geoecology
  • Connectivity in river (catchment) systems (Focus: Human Impact)
  • Sustainable use of resources (Foci: soil, water, climate change contexts)
  • Fluvial Geomorphology (Focus: Human Impact)
  • River and catchment management (Foci: Nature Based Solutions, Aquatic Ecology)
  • Human-environment interactions
  • Natural Hazards



Showing entries 81 - 100 out of 108
Pöppl R, Morche D, Schuchardt A. THE EFFECTS OF LARGE LOG JAMS ON LONGITUDINAL SEDIMENT CONNECTIVITY – EXAMPLES FROM TWO SMALL STREAMS IN AUSTRIA AND GERMANY. 2016. Paper presented at State of geomorphological research in 2016, Ostrava, Czech Republic.

Pöppl R. Veränderungen des Erdreliefs durch menschliche Aktivität und die Rolle der Konnektivität. 2016. Paper presented at Geographie-Werkstatt Österreich, Salzburg, Austria.

Parsons A, Bracken L, Poeppl R, Wainwright J, Keesstra S. Introduction to special issue on connectivity in water and sediment dynamics. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 2015 Jul 1;40(9):1275-1277. doi: 10.1002/esp.3714

Pöppl R, Keesstra S, Hein T. The geomorphic legacy of small dams – an Austrian study. Anthropocene. 2015 Jun;10(10):43-55. doi: 10.1016/j.ancene.2015.09.003

Pöppl R. Anthropogeomorphologie - Erdrelief Menschenhand und die Rolle der Konnektivität.. 2015. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie DKG 2015, Berlin, Germany.

Pöppl R, Coulthard T, Keesstra S, Keiler M. Modelling the impact of dam removal on geomorphic channel response and sediment delivery: an Austrian case study.. 2015. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2015, Wien, Austria.

Keesstra S, Pöppl R. Are discharge-sediment relationship analyses a suitable tool to determine catchment connectivity?. 2014. ELS, Nova Yardinia, Castellaneta Marina (TA), Italy, United Kingdom.

Pöppl R, Keesstra S. The geomorphic legacy of dams – an Austrian case study. 2014. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria.

Pöppl R, Keesstra S, Keiler M, Coulthard T, Glade T. Impact of dams, dam removal and dam-related river engineering structures on sediment connectivity and channel morphology of the Fugnitz and the Kaja Rivers. In Nationalparkfonds S, editor, Conference volume: 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, 10 to 12 June 2013, Mitersill. Mittersill, Salzburg. 2013. p. 607-614

Pöppl R, Keiler M, von Elverfeldt K, Zweimüller I, Glade T. Untersuchungen zur diffusen lateralen Sediment-Konnektivität in einem kleinen, ackerbaulich genutzten Einzugsgebiet der Österreichischen Böhmischen Masse. In Chifflard P, Cyffka B, Karthe D, Wetzel K-F, editors, Beiträge zum 44. Jahrestreffen des Arbeitskreises Hydrologie vom 15.-17. November 2012 in Lunz am See. Vol. 13. Augsburg. 2013. p. 131-133. (Geographica Augustana. Manuskripte, Vol. 13).

Pöppl R, Keesstra S, Fuchs S, Seeger M, Bertsch R, Glade T. Humans as (dis)connecting agents in fluvial systems: a conceptualization with case studies from small to meso-scale catchments.. 2012. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2012, Wien, Austria.

Showing entries 81 - 100 out of 108