Dr. Harald Sterly

Senior Scientist




Department of Geography and Regional Research
Universitätsstraße 7/5, D512
1010 Wien

Tel.: +43-1-4277-48731

Email: harald.sterly@univie.ac.at


As a human geographer, I focus on the spatial and social aspects of the intersection of climate and environmental change and different forms of mobility and migration. A specific interest lies on the outcomes of migration and translocal connectivities on the scope for people's agency and their vulnerability and resilience. At present, I am based as a Senior Scientist in the Department of Geography at the University of Vienna, from where I conduct empirical research with mixed methods approaches in Europe, Africa, as well as in Southeast, Central and South Asia. I have done my Diploma (MSc) in Geography at the University of Cologne and a postgraduate course in international development cooperation at the Humboldt-University Berlin. My PhD thesis focused on mobile communication and translocal social relations of rural-to-urban migrants in Bangladesh. In the past, I have coordinated research projects on mega-urban dynamics and informality in Bangladesh and China, and on the linkages between migration, translocal connections and social resilience in Thailand.

Research interests

Conceptual: spatiality of livelihoods, translocality, relational sociology, practice theories, science and technology studies, communication and digitalization

Thematic: migration, vulnerability, urbanization, rural-urban relations, development

Regional: South East Asia (Thailand), South Asia (Bangladesh), East Africa (Kenya, Somalia)

Current Research Projects

  • AGRUMIG – "Leaving something behind" – Migration governance and agricultural and rural change in "home" communities: comparative experience from Europe, Asia and Africa
  • HABITABLE – Linking Climate Change, Habitability and Social Tipping Points: Scenarios for Climate Migration
  • Migration Moldova – Mainstreaming the Migration and Climate Change Perspective into the National Adaptation Plan-2 and Agriculture Sectoral Adaptation Plan on Climate Change


Showing entries 21 - 40 out of 60
Sterly, H., & Wirkus, L. (2021). Mobilfunkdaten: Forschungsethische Probleme bei der Arbeit mit Mobilfunkdaten in Kontexten von Migration und Flucht. In T. Bork-Hüffer, H. Füller, & T. Straube (Eds.), Handbuch Digitale Geographien: Welt - Wissen - Werkzeuge (pp. 343-353). UTB.

Hermans, K., Berger, E., Biber-Freudenberg, L., Bossenbroek, L., Ebeler, L., Groth, J., Hack, J., Hanspach, J., Soekardjo Hintz, K., Kimengsi, J. N., Kwong, Y. M., Oakes, R., Pagogna, R., Plieninger, T., Sterly, H., van der Geest, K., van Vliet, J., & Wiederkehr, C. (2021). Crisis-induced disruptions in place-based social-ecological research – an opportunity for redirection. GAIA - Ökologische Perspektiven in Natur-, Geistes- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 30(2), 72-76. https://doi.org/10.14512/gaia.30.2.3

Oliver, N., Lepri, B., Sterly, H., Lambiotte, R., Delataille, S., De Nadai, M., Letouzé, E., Ali Salah, A., Benjamins, R., Cattuto, C., Colizza, V., de Cordes, N., Fraiberger, S. P., Koebe, T., Lehmann, S., Murillo, J., Pentland, A., N Pham, P., Pivetta, F., ... Vinck, P. (2020). Mobile phone data for informing public health actions across the COVID-19 pandemic life cycle. Science Advances, 6(23), Article eabc0764. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abc0764

Boas, I., Farbotko, C., Adams, H., Sterly, H., Bush, S., Van der Geest, K., Wiegel, H., Ashraf, H., Baldwin, A., Bettini, G., Blondin, S., de Bruijn, M., Durand-Delacre, D., Fröhlich, C., Gioli, G., Guaita, L., Hut, E., Jarawura, F. X., Lamers, M., ... Hulme, M. (2019). Climate migration myths. Nature Climate Change, 9(12), 901-903. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-019-0633-3

Sterly, H., Etzold, B., Wirkus, L., Sakdapolrak, P., Schewe, J., Schleussner, C.-F., & Hennig, B. (2019). AROMACoDa: Assessing Refugees' Onward Mobility through the Analysis of Communication Data. In A. A. Salah, A. Pentland, B. Lepri, E. Letouzé, Y.-A. de Montjoye, X. Dong, & P. Vinck (Eds.), Your Voice, Your Data, Your Future (pp. 70-82) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330999866_AROMA_CoDa_Assessing_Refugees'_Onward_Mobility_through_the_Analysis_of_Communication_Data

Sterly, H., Etzold, B., Wirkus, L., Sakdapolrak, P., Schewe, J., Schleussner, C.-F., & Hennig, B. (2019). Assessing Refugees’ Onward Mobility with Mobile Phone Data—A Case Study of (Syrian) Refugees in Turkey. In A. A. Salah, A. Pentland, B. Lepri, & E. Letouzé (Eds.), Guide to Mobile Data Analytics in Refugee Scenarios: The 'Data for Refugees Challenge' Study (pp. 251-263). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-12554-7_13

Sterly, H. (2019). Coordinating the Research Programme. In F. Kraas, K. Hackenbroch, H. Sterly, J. Heintzenberg, P. Herrle, & V. Kreibich (Eds.), MegaCities MegaChallenge - Informal Dynamics of Gobal Change (pp. 160-161). Bornträger.

Hackenbroch, K., & Sterly, H. (2019). Dhaka: A Rapidly Expanding and Economically Dynamic Agglomeration. In F. Kraas, K. Hackenbroch, H. Sterly, J. Heintzenberg, P. Herrle, & V. Kreibich (Eds.), MegaCities MegaChallenge - Informal Dynamics of Gobal Change (pp. 40-51). Bornträger.

Kraas, F., Kroll, M., & Sterly, H. (2019). Global Megacity Dynamics. In F. Kraas, K. Hackenbroch, H. Sterly, J. Heintzenberg, P. Herrle, & V. Kreibich (Eds.), MegaCities MegaChallenge - Informal Dynamics of Gobal Change (pp. 25-32). Bornträger.

Hackenbroch, K., Altrock, U., & Sterly, H. (2019). Governance of the Megacity: Challenges for Service Provision and Planning. In F. Kraas, K. Hackenbroch, H. Sterly, J. Heintzenberg, P. Herrle, & V. Kreibich (Eds.), MegaCities MegaChallenge - Informal Dynamics of Gobal Change: Insights from Dhaka, Bangladesh and Pearl River Delta, China (pp. 66-70). Schweizerbart.

Sterly, H. (2019). Informality. In F. Kraas, K. Hackenbroch, H. Sterly, J. Heintzenberg, P. Herrle, & V. Kreibich (Eds.), MegaCities MegaChallenge - Informal Dynamics of Gobal Change (pp. 148-157). Bornträger.

Peters, M., & Sterly, H. (2019). Interdisciplinarity. In F. Kraas, K. Hackenbroch, H. Sterly, J. Heintzenberg, P. Herrle, & V. Kreibich (Eds.), MegaCities MegaChallenge - Informal Dynamics of Gobal Change (pp. 174-175). Bornträger.

Kraas, F., Hackenbroch, K., Sterly, H., Heintzenberg, J., Herrle, P., & Kreibich, V. (2019). Mega Cities Mega Challenge: Informal Dynamics of Global Change. Insights from Dhaka, Bangladesh and Pearl River Delta, China. Schweizerbart.

Salah, A. A., Altuncu, M. T., Balcisoy, S., Frydenlund, E., Mamei, M., Akyol, M. A., Arslanli, K. Y., Bensason, I., Boshuijzen-van Burken, C., Bosetti, P., Boy, J., Bozcaga, T., Cilasun, S. M., Işik, O., Kalaycioglu, S., Kaptaner, A. S., Kayi, I., Ozan, Ö., Kjamili, B., ... Uluturk, I. (2019). Policy Implications of the D4R Challenge. In A. A. Salah, A. Pentland, B. Lepri, & E. Letouzé (Eds.), Guide to Mobile Data Analytics in Refugee Scenarios (pp. 477-495) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-12554-7_25

Showing entries 21 - 40 out of 60