
Learning and teaching for the future

In order to offer children and adolescents meaningful and future-oriented geography and economic education classes related to their life-world, teachers must be able to justify their planning steps and their actions taken during their classes, based on subject-specific didactics and in a competent manner. This means that secondary school teachers identify relevant (subject-specific) content – based on their teaching interests and competence-oriented learning objectives – and customise learning and teaching processes for various student groups.

The Fachdidaktische Grundkonsens 2.0 (the subject didactic basic consensus 2.0) serves as the guiding principle for subject didactic teaching and teaching practice at schools as well as geography and economic education. It contains a repertoire of subject didactic and professional theories, concepts, models and methods and provides a practically relevant foundation for our students’ competence to justify their decisions and take action. Teaching and learning processes at universities are characterised by continuous innovation, their relation to practical teaching at schools and an active exchange between students, subject didactics experts, teaching staff, pupils as well as external practitioners and experts. As a result, future teachers can acquire subject-specific didactic and methodological competences in helpful and consistent course formats. 

Key topics in our subject didactic courses include:

  • (Subject-specific) didactic concepts, social forms, media
  • Analysis and design of learning environments in education in geography and economics
  • Competence-oriented teaching and supportive assessments in education in geography and economics
  • Critical media education (relating to geography and economics)
  • Socio-economic education: (new) working worlds, occupational education, entrepreneurship education, etc.
  • Learning and teaching in the field of geography and economic education in the age of digitalisation
  • Migration and diversity, didactics critical of gender roles, political education