Completed projects
- AlpSenseRely - Alpine remote sensing of climate‐induced natural hazards
- i-CONN - Interdisciplinary connectivity: Understanding and managing complex systems using connectivity science
- GeoHype - GEOmorphological and HYdrological significance of PErmafrost in the Alps
- MoNEW - Re-Evaluation of existing landslide susceptibility maps
- PHUSICOS - According to nature’—Solutions to reduce risk in mountain landscapes
- NoeMOTION - Mobilitäts-, Gefahren- und Risikoanalyse ausgewählter gravitativer Massenbewegungen in Niederösterreich
- NoeMOTION - Mobilitäts-, Gefahren- und Risikoanalyse ausgewählter gravitativer Massenbewegungen in Niederösterreich
- NoeTALUS - Hazard modeling of rock falls in Lower Austria; RC Lower Austria; Project Lead TU Graz, University of Vienna (Thomas Glade, Martin Mergili), Nina Marlovits; (2018 - 2021)
- NoeSLIDE - Monitoring of the Gravitational Mass Movements in Lower Austria; Federal State Government of Lower Austria; Thomas Glade (project lead), Ekrem Canli, Robert Kanta, Margherita Stumvoll; (2014-2019)
- MillSLIDE - Extension of the NoeSLIDE project (Monitoring of gravitational mass movements in Lower Austria) focusing on complex landslide systems (earth slide) in the study location of Konradsheim, Waidhofen an der Ybbs, Niederösterreich. Thomas Glade (project lead), Margherita J. Stumvoll; (2019 - 2021)
- ExtremA - A review of extreme natural hazard events in the Austrian Alps; Contracting authority: BMNT; Thomas Glade (project leader), Hanna Schechtner/Katrin Sattler, Martin Mergili; (2017 - 2019)
- CONWATER - Application of the connectivity concept in water erosion research for integrated catchment protection; ÖAD; cooperation partner: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia); Ronald Pöppl (project leader), Lisa Humer, Gregor Lützenburg; (2018 - 2019)
- BioSLIDE - The influence of Biomass and its change on landSLIDE activity; ÖAW; Projektleitung: Universität Wien (ENGAGE); Cooperation partners: Technische Universität Wien, Delft University of Technology, Utrecht University; (2015 - 2018)
- EE-Con - Economic and Ethical Consequences of Natural Hazards in Alpine Valleys; ÖAW; lead partner: Universität Graz; Cooperation partner: Ronald Pöppl, ENGAGE (2015-2018)
- Risk:ATlas - Atlas der Naturgefahren und -risiken in Österreich (pilot study)(2014-2015, BMLFUW)
- CHANGES - Changing Hydro-meteorological Risks as Analyzed by a New Generation of European Scientists. (2011-2014 / EU - Marie Curie Intial Traning Network)
- SEERisk - Joint Disaster Management risk assessment and preparedness in the Danube Macro-Region (2012-2014, SSE)
- MoNOE - Methodenentwicklung für die Gefährdungsmodellierung von Massenbewegungen in Niederösterreich (2009-2013)
- ChangingRISKS - Changing pattern of landslide risks as response to global changes in mountain areas (2011-2013 / EU - ERA-NET)
- MOVE - Methods for the Improvement of Vulnerability Assessment in Europe (2008-2010 / EU)
- Mountain Risks - From predicition to management and governance (2006-2010 / EU)
- ILEWS - Integrated Landslide Early Warning Systems (2007-2010 / BMBF gefördertes Verbundprojekt)
- InterRISK - Integrative Landslide Risk Analysis and Perception in theSwabian Alb, Germany(2001-2006 / DFG)
- CASITA II - Capacity Building in Asia using Information Technology Applications (CASITA)
- Spatial landslide susceptibility in the Navua catchment, Fiji
- Landslide hazard and risk assessment in northwest Iceland
- Landslide monitoring and modelling in E-Belgium
- MABIS - Mass movements in South and West Germany
- DOMODIS - Documentation of Mountain Hazards